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The carrot sticks are back


In the new school year 2020/21 the carrot "Kiki Karotte" will again accompany the primary school children in Jena through the year. The sustainable homework booklets - affectionately called "carrot booklets" by the children - have already been distributed free of charge to Jena schools that have registered their requirements.
The homework booklet is an educational offer for sustainable development in the primary school sector. It was compiled especially for children and in this issue provides information on the topic "Energy and Climate Protection".

"In this way, the municipal efforts on this current topic are supported in the long term. This is a great opportunity to sensitize our students to environmental protection," says Mayor Christian Gerlitz.

On 10 illustrated topic pages, the contents are attractively designed and communicated with fun. The children can learn how important a good climate balance is, what energy is needed everywhere and how it can be saved. Many elements are also intended to inspire children to paint, do handicrafts, discover and browse. In this way, sustainability can be experienced and also involves the environment, teachers and parents.

The 1,500 copies for Jena were printed again on recycled paper and in natural colours. Those who would also like to have a mortar booklet can pick one up at the district offices in Lobeda and Winzerla.