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Easy language

Internet∙page of the city of Jena.

Here you can find information in plain language.

There is information for

  • visitors of Jena and
  • residents of Jena.

And there is general information about the Internet∙site.

How do I open the texts in plain language?

You open the texts in plain language with pop-up∙menus:

Balken mit Schriftzug Ansprechpartner

Click on the bar.

Then the text unfolds.

And this is how the text folds up again:

Click the arrow on the far right.

Tabelle mit der Überschrift Ansprechpartner und den Kontaktdetails in der Tabelle
Inhalt des aufgeklappten Balkens

Note on easy language

Easy language is a very simple form of the German language.

It has certain rules.

For example, long words are written

are written with a dot in the middle.

It looks like this: Internet∙page.

Now it is easier to read the word.

These texts are available in plain language:

1. information for visitors to Jena

Eine Gruppe von Menschen stehen auf einem Platz neben einem Denkmal.
Menschen auf dem Marktplatz

There are some beautiful old buildings in Jena:

The old town hall with the figure: Schnapp∙hans.
Figur des Schnapphans am Turm mit einer Uhr in Jena
Der Rathaus∙turm mit dem Schnapp∙hans

The town hall is one of the oldest town halls in Germany.

It has 2 floors

and a tower.

The tower has 8 sides and a pointed roof.

On one side there is a beautiful clock.

Also, you can always see a figure here on the hour:

The Schnapp∙hans.

He is trying to catch a golden ball.

This is also called snatching.

The town hall has been rebuilt many times.

Downstairs on the ground floor there used to be stores.

For example, bakers.

City Church of St. Michael
Ein hohe alte steinerne Kirche im Grünen
Stadtkirche St. Michael

The big church of St. Michael is a Lutheran church.

The construction of the church took a long time:

About 200 years!

In the past there was a monastery right behind the church.

There was only one way to the monastery:

A passage under the altar in the church!

The passage is very high.

About as high as 2 people above∙ each other.

The passage is also very wide.

The passage is something special.

It doesn't exist anywhere else.

In the church, Martin Luther preached a very long time ago.

Inside the church there is a slab from Martin Luther's grave.

Martin Luther was an important person:

He founded the Protestant Church.

What else is there?

  • Sou can climb up the Kirch∙turm.
  • In summer there are organ∙concerts in the church.
Eine hohe Mauer mit einem hölzernen Villengang und einem alten steinerenen Turm am Ende
Pulverturm mit Stadtmauer

There used to be a Stadt∙mauer around Jena.

The wall had some towers and gates.

Today there is still a very nice piece of the old wall.

There are also still 2 towers:

Johannis∙tor and Pulver∙turm.

Mehrere alte steinerne Gebäude mit einer Kirche im Grünen

In the church the poet Friedrich Schiller got married.

That was more than 200 years ago.

Since then, the church is called Schiller∙kirche.

There are also some monuments to the memory of the time of the National Socialists:


These are small plates made of metal.

They are on the Bürger∙steig.

They commemorate Jewish people.

The National Socialists murdered these people.

The Stolper∙steine are in front of houses.

The Jewish people last lived in these houses.

Memorial stele

This is a narrow, tall stone.

On it there is information about Jews and forced∙ laborers in Jena.

In Jena there are also some beautiful new buildings:

Zeiss Planetarium
Ein Gebäude mit einer Kuppel als Dach und Säulen davor.

Zeiss Planetarium is the oldest planetarium in the world.

It has a large dome made of concrete.

The dome is white inside.

There are 8 projectors inside.

The projectors make images on the dome from inside.

The projectors work simultaneously.

They show stars and planets on the dome.

It looks like the whole starry sky.

There are explanations and music.

The planetarium offers various events

on the topic of stars and planets:

  • Info events and
  • great shows with laser and music.

Some events are for children and families,

others for adults.

All events are a great experience.

Come and see us!

JenTower with viewing∙ platform.

It's pronounced: Jen∙tauer.

Ein großer Turm ragt zwischen Bäumen hervor.

The JenTower is the landmark of Jena.

It looks like a telescope.

The tower is very high.

It is made of glass on the outside.

That's why it shines in the light.

You can see the tower from far away.

In the tower there is

  • a shopping center
  • offices
  • a hotel
  • a restaurant and
  • a viewing platform.

The platform is open every day.

From 10:00 to 22:00.

You want to go to the viewing platform?

Then you need to buy an entrance∙ ticket.

Come to Jena!

Take a walk around the city∙.

And have a look at these buildings and monuments.

Maybe you need a break in between?

Botanical garden

Then you can go to the botanical garden go there.

Viele Seerosen und andere blühende Pfanzen in einem Gewächshaus im Wasser.
Botanischer Garten

It is already many hundreds of years old.

There are plants from all over the world.

There are benches for a break.

Experience nature
Ein Mann und eine Frau laufen einen Weg an einem Berg entlang, im Hintergrund ist viel Grün zu sehen.

There are many trails for hiking and biking∙.

For example, the Wander∙weg: Saale Horizontale.

This is a very long Wander∙weg.

It leads through very different landscapes.

For example, through meadows and forests.

You can start at different places.

You can choose the length of the hike yourself.

There are great viewpoints along the way.

You can see the city of Jena or great landscapes.

Sometimes there is a tower at a lookout∙point.

Maybe you want to climb a tower?

Then you have an even better view of Jena.

At some lookout∙points there is a restaurant

and a cozy beer garden.

Then there are 4 Erlebnis∙pfade.

These are beautiful hiking∙trails.

They lead to exciting destinations.

Each trail has a theme.

There are stories and riddles on the paths.

For 4 Erlebnis∙pfade there is an app for the cell phone.

You can use it along the way.

You can download the app here∙:

  • Google Play Store
  • App Store
Fun in the water

You can go to a Frei∙bad or a Freizeit∙bad.

Or maybe you would like to go canoeing.

Ein Mann sitzt in einem Kanu auf einem Fluss
Kanu fahren
Art and culture

There is a lot to look at in Jena for this.

You can go to a museum, for example.

Ein altes graues Haus mit Fachwerk auf einem gepflasterten Platz
Stadtmuseum Jena

You can also go to the Philharmonic Hall of Jena Philharmonic Hall.

It is pronounced like this: Fil∙har∙moni.

The largest orchestra of the state of Thuringia plays here.

The orchestra is known all over the world.

The musicians play pieces from many different musical∙ directions.

Besides, 3 choirs belong to the philharmonic orchestra.

The program is very interesting and varied.

Go shopping
Der Markt mit Einkaufsständen
Bunte Markt in Jena

There are many stores around the market.

In case of bad weather you can

walk through the shopping∙passages.

It is pronounced like this: Einkaufs∙pa∙saschen.

Several times a year, there are large and interesting markets in Jena.

For example the Töpfer∙markt in summer.

And the Christmas∙market in winter.

Food and drink
Blick in eine Gasse mit Lokalen und vielen Sitzplätzen
Wagnergasse Jena

For this you will find a good offer in Jena.

There is food from all over the world.

But there is also special food from Thuringia.

Zwei Frauen an einer Verkaufstheke
Touriist-Information Jena

You would like to visit Jena?

You need a hotel∙room?

Or you would like to have more information?

The staff of the Tourist-Information will be glad to help you:

Jena Tourist Information

Market 16

07743 Jena

Phone: 0049 3641 498050

E-mail: tourist-info@jena.de

The Tourist Information has an Internet∙ site in difficult language.

2. information for residents of Jena

Menschen überqueren eine Straße an einer Ampelkreuzung, im Hintergrund ein großer Turm.
City Hall of Jena
Blick auf die Fassade eines Gebäudes mit Fahrstuhl und Hinweistafel
Technisches Rathaus

This is the address of the town hall and many offices of the city of Jena:

City of Jena

At the Anger 15

Phone: 0049 3641 490


Blick auf ein Gebäude mit Hinweistafel und großer automatischer Tür

Here you can do the following, for example:

  • Register or deregister a car or trailer, or report a new owner

  • Apply for or renew a resident∙parking permit

  • Apply for a certificate of good conduct

  • Apply for or extend JenaBonus

  • Apply for Melde∙bescheinigung.

    • Your Melde∙bescheinigung states: You live in Jena.

  • Apply for Personal∙ausweis

  • Register or deregister your apartment

  • Apply for a Park∙ausweis for severely disabled persons.

This is the address:

How to reach the Bürger∙service:

Citizen Service Team

Löbdergraben 12

07743 Jena

Phone: 0049 3641 493714


Ein Mann mit Bart und Brille steht vor dem Eingang eines Gebäudes
Oberbürgermeister Dr. Thomas Nitzsche

The Lord Mayor of the city of Jena is Dr. Thomas Nitzsche.

Mr. Nitzsche is a member of the FDP party.

He is married and has 2 children.

As Lord∙Mayor he leads the administration of the city of Jena.

His deputy is called: Christian Gerlitz.

He is Mayor of the city of Jena and

Head of Department for Urban∙Development and Environment.

That means:

He is the head of the department Stadt∙entwicklung und Umwelt.

Viele Menschen sitzen in einem Saal auf Stühlen und sehen sich eine Präsentation an.

People from different parties meet in the Stadt∙rat.

The citizens of Jena elect the Stadt∙rat.

The Stadt∙rat makes rules for the administration.

And the Stadt∙rat decides important things of the city of Jena.

Here is a list with the members of the Stadt∙rat.

There are also addresses and telephone numbers.

Representative for people with disabilities

The representative for people with disabilities is called:

Marcus Barth.

The goals of his work are:

  • Equal participation∙ of people with disabilities in life in society and

  • Self∙determination of people with disabilities.

These are some of Mr. Barth's tasks:

  • Counseling of people with disabilities and Advising relatives of people with disabilities

  • Representing the interests of people with disabilities

  • Improvements in the areas of housing, work and leisure for people with disabilities

  • Cooperation with associations and other institutions

  • Writing concepts. For example, on joint teaching of children with and without disabilities.

This is Mr. Barth's address:

How to reach Mr. Barth:

Department for Family, Education and Social Affairs

Representative for people with disabilities

Am Anger 13

07743 Jena

Phone: 0049 3641 494303


Migrationsadvisory board
Die Hände verschiedener Menschen greifen in- und übereinander.
Hand in Hand

Migration means immigration.

An advisory board is a working∙ group.

Many people from other countries live in Jena.

These people elect the Migrations∙beirat.

The advisory board meets a few times a year.

At the meetings, the members talk about issues in the city of Jena.

They make sure:

  • The interests of people from other countries are taken into account.

  • These people can participate in politics.

Moreover, the Migrations∙beirat makes suggestions to the city:

  • This is a good decision on an issue.

  • This is a good way to act on an issue.

This is the address:

How to reach the Migrations∙beirat:

Office for Migration and Integration

Saalbahnhofstraße 9

07743 Jena

Phone: 0049 3641 492632


Jobcenter of the city Jena: Jenarbeit

You are unemployed?

Then register at Jenarbeit.

Here you can get, for example, Arbeitslosen∙geld II.

In addition, the consultants will help you find work.

This is the address:

How to reach the job center:


Stadtrodaer Street 1

07749 Jena


Early aids
EIn kleines Mädchen hält sich ein Stück Papier vor das Gesicht.
Kleines Mädchen

These are offers for

  • individuals or couples who are about to have a child

  • Families with children from 0 - 3 years.

You can get

  • Consultation

  • information and

  • get help.

For example, someone comes and shows them:

This is how you take care of a baby.

Or someone comes

And helps take care of their child.

This is the address:

How to reach early help:

Special Social Services Team

At the Anger 13

Phone: 0049 3641 492783


Care for small children
Ein Junge spielt auf einem Spielgerät im Außenbereich
Spielender Junge

Perhaps you need care for your young child.

There is information about it on our Kindergarten∙portal.

You can also register your child there.

This is the link.

A quick explanation:

There are 2 ways to care for young children.

1. children∙day care center.

Eine Gruppe von Kindern liegt auf einer Wiese.
Kinder auf einer Wiese

This is a facility for many children.

Children from 0 - 6 years old go to the facility.

They are taken care of by professional∙staff.

Parents have to pay a fee for the Kinder∙tagesstätte.

Maybe you still have questions about Kinder∙tagesstätten?

Or do you need assistance with registration?

Then you can get in touch with us.

This is the address:

How to reach us:

Youth Welfare Office City of Jena

At the Anger 13

07743 Jena

Phone: 0049 3641 492721 or 0049 3641 492620

E-mail: kitaportal@jena.de

2. Child∙day care

Eine Junge spielt auf einem Spielgerät im Außenbereich.
Kletternder Junge

A day∙mother or a day∙father

cares for some children in their own home.

The Tages∙mutter or Tages∙vater has

previously taken a course.

In the course you have learned:

This is how Tages∙pflege works.

Parents have to pay a fee for Tages∙pflege.

The children at Tages∙mutter or a Tages∙vater are 0 - 3 years old.

From 3 years old, all children go to a Kinder∙tagesstätte.

Do you have any questions about Kinder∙tagespflege?

Then get in touch with us.

This is the address:

How to reach us:

Youth Welfare Office City of Jena

At the Anger 13

07743 Jena

Phone: 0049 3641 492726 or 0049 3641 492750 or 0049 3641 492728

Mail: kindertagespflege@jena.de

Spielende Kinder auf einem Pausenhof mit Spiel- und Sportgeräten
Spielende Kinder

We have made a booklet in plain language:

Schools in Jena.

In it you can find

  • Information about all kinds of schools in Jena

  • Other information about schools

  • Jena schools addresses

This is the link to the booklet.

Do you have questions about school?

Would you like to register your child?

Then get in touch with us.

This is the address:

How to reach us:

Jena School Administration

At the Anger 13

07743 Jena

Telephone: 0049 3641 4926 00


Advice on the subject of care
Lächelnde ältere Dame

Here you can get information about

  • Care∙grade

  • Care at home

  • care and

  • other help∙ offers.

This is the address:

How to reach us:

Care Support Point Jena

Goethestrasse 3b

07743 Jena

Telephone: 0049 3641 507660


Advice on living and technology
Eine Sitzgelegenheit an einem Treppenaufgang innerhalb eines Hauses

Maybe you have been living in your apartment

or your house.

Everything used to fit well.

Now you are older.

Suddenly there are barriers in the apartment.

For example, it's harder for you to climb stairs.

We can advise you on how to convert your apartment or house.

And on technical aids∙mittel.

So that there are no more barriers in your apartment or house.

Then they can continue to live there.

But maybe you would rather move.

Then we can advise you on housing∙ options for seniors.

This is our address:

How to reach us:


At the care support center Jena

Goethestrasse 3b

07743 Jena

Phone: 0049 3641 507508


Senior Citizens∙ Representative
Ältere Frau auf Schaukel neben älterem Mann

The Senioren∙beauftragte of the city of Jena is called Franziska Wächter.

She advises people and institutions.

It is about structures and offers in the field of Alten∙hilfe.

She also supports the Seniors' Advisory Council.

Senior Citizens' Advisory Council

An advisory board is a working∙group.

The seniorbeirat represents the interests of the elderly.

The advisory board ensures that

  • The interests of seniors are taken into account.

  • Seniors can participate in politics.

The advisory council advises the Stadt∙rat and the Stadt∙verwaltung.

This is the address of the Seniors∙ Commissioner:

How to reach Ms. Wächter:

Department of Family, Education and Social Affairs

Elderly assistance∙planner

Lutherplatz 3

07743 Jena

Phone: 0049 3641 494643



Eine Tabelle mit mehreren Spalten und Zahlen und Buchstabenkombinationen

There are many and interesting events in Jena.

Some of them are barrier∙free.

You would like to visit a barrier∙free event?

Then click here.

You will get to the Internet∙ page with the events.

At the top you will see this:

Bedienleiste des Veranstaltungskalenders

Click on: search.

Then a search∙field will open.

Enter this word: barrier-free.

Bedienleiste des Veranstaltungskalenders

Click on: Find Results.

Now you see barrier∙free events and places.

In Jena there are various theaters, museums and the like.

Theater∙haus Jena

The Theater∙haus Jena is barrier∙free for wheelchair∙users.

But we have to organize your visit with us.

Therefore, please tell us the day and time of your visit.

On the day of your visit please come to the entrance

behind the Theater∙haus.

It is in the Schillergäßchen.

Someone will be waiting there to help you.

This is our address:

How to reach us:

Theaterhaus Jena

Schillergäßchen 1

07745 Jena

E-Mail: tickets@jena.de

Fach∙dienst Health

Ein silbern glänzendes medizinisches Gerät

The city of Jena has a health service.

It provides information and advice on the subject of health.

The specialist∙service also carries out inspections:

Are the rules and laws on the subject of health being observed?

The Fach∙dienst is responsible for the protection of the health

of all people in Jena.

This is the address:

How to reach the Fachdienst:

Fachdienst Gesundheit

Lutherplatz 3

07743 Jena

Telephone: 0049 3641 493136


Corona virus
Eine graue Kugel mit roten Ausstülpungen

Information about the Corona virus in plain language can be found here.

Counseling for adults

Ms. Hofmann - Psychiatry and Addiction Help∙Coordinator

Here you can get information about

  • the help∙offers and

  • self-help∙groups for people in crises and with mental illness.

You can also get an appointment for counseling at the Sozial∙psychiatrische Dienst.

The consultation costs no money.

The consultation is at the office

or at your home.

If you wish,

the counseling is anonymous.

That means:

You tell us not your name.

This is the address:

How to reach the specialized service:

Social Psychiatric Service Team

Lutherplatz 3

07743 Jena

Telephone: 0049 3641 493177



Is your child to be enrolled in school?

Then he or she must have a check-up before starting school.

This is the responsibility of the Children's and Youth Medical Service.

Doctors check the child's development:

  • Is the child doing well?

  • Can he or she go to school, or is it better to stay in better to stay in kindergarten?

  • Does the child need any help? For example, glasses.

  • Or does the child need support∙?

The doctors will write a report on this.

You can make an appointment for the examination online.

Do you have questions about enrollment?

Or do you need help with registration?

Then call us.

Either Tuesday 10:00 - 12:00 or

Thursday 14:00 - 16:00 o'clock.

Phone: 0049 3641 493282 or 0049 3641 493126

Or write an e-mail:

E-mail: einschulungsuntersuchung@jena.de

3. Information about this Internet∙site

We explain the Start∙side here.

At the top of the page is our Logo.

Ein weißes Quadrat auf dunkelblauem Grund, dann der Schriftzug Jena Lichtstadt in Großbuchstaben

You can see it on every page.

You can click on the logo.

Then you will always come back to the Start∙page.

On the right margin it says

Ein weißer Telefonhörer auf dunkelblauem Grund, daneben der Schriftzug Notrufe

Maybe you have an emergency∙ case?


  • There is a fire or

  • You have lost your EC card.

Then click here.

Then comes a list with important telephone∙ numbers for the emergency∙fall.

Next to it is this field:

Eine Erdkugel, daneben der Schriftzug Deutsch

The Internet∙ site is in German.

But you can also select another language here.

Now comes a row with words.

Riehe mit Wörtern
Inhaltsverzeichnis der Internetseite

This is a menu.

This is something like the table of contents of the Internet∙ site.

You will see this sign next to the words: &.

The sign reads like this: and.

You can click on each word.

Then you will get to different topics.

Next comes a picture∙show.

In the middle of the pictures is the Search∙ function:

Der Schriftzug Suchbegriff mit einer Lupe

Are you looking for a piece of information?

Then write a word there.

Now press the Enter∙key on your computer

or click on the magnifying glass.

Now you can see all the information about the word.

Maybe you want to have new information about Corona.

Then click here:

Der Schriftzug Coronavirus: Aktuelle Situation
Aktuelle Informationen zum Coronavirus

Next are photos with the headings

  • Information and

  • News from the town hall.

You can click on each photo.

Then you will get more information on the subject.

Now there are many photos.

In each photo there is a word.

This is the theme.

If you click on the photo

you will get information about the topic.

Now comes this block:

Image block unte city

Der Schriftzug Themenüberblick, darunter mehrere Begriffe mit Unterpunkten
Block im unteren Bereich der Webseite
  • Own enterprises

    • Here are companies of the city of Jena.

  • Health and city hall

    • Here you will find information on current and important topics.

Next to it is this:

  • Press

    • Here are names and telephone∙ numbers of employees.

    • Here you can ask for information for the press.

  • Newsroom

    • This is pronounced: Nijus ruhm.

    • Here you can find short texts with new information from Jena.

  • Map portal

    • This is a new Internet∙ site.

    • Here you can find maps of Jena.

  • Construction sites

    • Here you can see:

    • These Bau∙stellen there are in Jena.

  • Privacy

    • Here it says:

    • This is what we do with your data.

  • Imprint

    • It says who made the page.

Then comes a dark∙blue field.

There is our address.

Next to it is this:

image social media, city

Der Schriftzug Social Media Kanäle, daneben die Symbole für die Netzwerke Facebook, Twitter, YouTube und Instagram
Social Media Kanäle

Those are the signs for social media offers.

It's pronounced like this: Soschijel Midia

On social media we have our own pages.

You can click on the signs.

Then you will come to these pages.

This is the last row words on the page:

image bottom, footer, city

Die Begriffe Kontakt, Impressum, Barrierefreiheit, Datenschutzerklärung, Bildrechte und Copyright, Datenschutz-Einstellungen anpassen
Unterster Bereich der Webseite
  • Contact

    • If you click here

    • a form will open.

    • With it you can write a text to us.

  • Imprint

    • It says who made the page.

  • Accessibility

    • Here we declare:

    • These parts of the Internet∙side are barrier∙free.

    • And this part of the Internet∙ site are not yet not barrier∙free.

  • Privacy policy

    • It says here:

    • This is what we do with your data.

    • And you have these rights.

  • Image rights and copyright

    • The last word is pronounced like this: Koppi reit.

    • Here is a list of photos from the Internet∙ site.

    • With each photo it says:

    • This person took the photo.

  • Customize privacy settings

    • We collect data from you over the Internet.

    • Here you can make settings for the Internet∙ page.

    • With this you decide:

    • We may use this data.

Barrier explanation∙freity
Ein Buch mit einem Paragraphenzeichen auf dem Deckel

The City of Jena is responsible for this Internet∙ site.

This declaration on barrier∙free access applies to

  • the Internet∙ site of the city of Jena and
  • to all sub∙pages of this Internet∙site.

There are several laws that state:

All people should be able to read pages on the Internet well.

Here in Thuringia these laws are valid:

  • Rule EU 2016/ 2102 of the European Union

  • Thuringia Law on the Barrier∙free Internet

    • Abbreviation: ThürBarrWebG

  • Thuringia Accessible Information Technology Ordinance.

    • Abbreviation: ThürBITVO

In the text on this page, we explain:

Some parts of this Internet∙site are not yet barrier-free.

But we are working on it.

So that soon all people can read the Internet∙page well.

1. these parts of the Internet∙site are not yet barrier∙free.

  • Videos:

    • There is no description of the videos.

    • That is:

    • There is no text to read and no text to hear.

  • Blind people use a computer program to read text on the Internet.

    • Tables on our site cannot be read by the computer program.

  • We sometimes make videos

    • which you can see immediately on the Internet.

    • For example, the meetings of the City Council.

    • Unfortunately, there is no text to read for that.

    • We would like to do that.

    • But we don' t have enough money for that.

2. check of the internet pages and declaration of accessibility.

We have created the barrier∙free declaration ourselves.

We used a well-known test∙method to do this.

We did that on October 21, 2020.

We reviewed the statement on October 21, 2020.

3. information to us

Found any other problems on the Internet∙ site?

That is:

There are more parts,

which are not accessible?

Then you can tell us or write to us.

This is our address:

City of Jena

Press and Public Relations Office

At the Anger 15

07743 Jena

Phone: 0049 3641 49-2012

E-mail: chefredakteur@jena.de

4. enforcement∙procedure

You may think:

I have a disadvantage.

Because I can ' t read this Internet∙ site very well.

Or you think:

I wrote a problem to the city of Jena.

But the answer was not good.

Then you can complain.

And you can complain to the State Commissioner for the Disabled:

Joachim Leibiger

Werner-Seelenbinder-Strasse 6

99096 Erfurt

Telephone: 0049 3641 73811741


This text is a Zusammen∙fassung in Leichter Sprache.

But only the text on Barriere∙freiheit in Schwerer Sprache applies.

For example, in court.