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Department 2 - Finance, Security & Citizen Services

Finance, security & citizen services

Since 01.10.2024, the City of Jena has had five departments instead of four. As a result, the organizational structure on the website will be revised and updated by the beginning of 2025.

Department 2 consists of the following areas

  • Finance department
  • Citizen Services department
  • Municipal Order Department (Public Order Office)
  • Fire department
  • Staff unit Commissioner for Smart City
Das Bild zeigt ein Organigramm der Verwaltungsstruktur unter dem Oberbürgermeister mit Stand vom 01.01. bzw. 01.02.2025. Dem Dezernat 2 sind die Fachdienste Finanzen, Feuerwehr, Kommunale Ordnung und Bürgerservice sowie die Stabsstelle der Beauftragten für Smart City untergeordnet.
Organigramm Dezernat 2

Citizen services

Updating the local vehicle register, issuing ID cards and certifying new births and marriages are among the main tasks of the Citizen Services department

Registry office team

The registration of new births, marriages and deaths and the execution of marriages are among the main tasks of the registry office team.
    • Dezernat 2 - Finanzen, Sicherheit & Bürgerservice


Department 2 - Am Anger 28

Am Anger 28
07743 Jena
