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Social media

Netiquette of the city of Jena

The city of Jena is represented on the following channels:

We look forward to a constructive, interesting and educational exchange with you. To ensure that everyone can express themselves freely, we attach great importance to dealing with each other in an approachable manner: as in a face-to-face conversation, we observe the rules of courtesy and ask you to do the same. Any feedback - whether agreement or disagreement - is welcome, provided it is formulated in a factual and constructive manner.

We, the social media team, are employees of the press and public relations department of the city of Jena. Our city covers a wide range of diverse topics and our goal is to answer all your questions competently and as quickly as possible. However, we ask for your understanding that we are not able to provide information in the same way as our colleagues from the departments. For detailed questions, please contact the respective contact persons.

Moderation by the Social Media Team

To prevent misunderstandings, we would like to briefly explain how the social media team moderates.

  • For reasons of linguistic clarity and simplicity, we generally refrain from using gender-specific wording. For example, when we refer to "colleagues," we also refer to "female colleagues" and people of the third gender in the same appreciative way.
  • In order to reach many residents, we use the German language. Comprehension or case-related queries are excluded from this.
  • The city of Jena welcomes the fact that social networks provide a platform for discussion. We therefore allow comments even if they do not reflect the view of the city or contain factual criticism.
  • When assessing and classifying comments, we naturally observe the principle of proportionality. There is no entitlement to the publication of comments. We are thus not censoring, but rather exercising the domiciliary rights of our online discussion offerings in order to ensure a constructive exchange and the participation of all.
  • We reject any form of discrimination or defamation of people or groups based on their origin, religious affiliation, nationality, physical condition, sexual identity, gender, income or age.

Publication of comments and contributions

When posting comments or contributions:

  • Please remain factual and polite. Do not insult or provoke.
  • Make reference to the topic of the post.
  • Respect the personal rights of your fellow human beings and the right to your own image. Do not publish personal, sensitive data such as addresses or phone numbers.
  • Respect copyright: if you quote, indicate the source. Note that you have the rights to distribute the content you publish.
  • As a user, you are responsible for the posts you publish. By commenting on our platforms, you agree that your statements will become publicly available. We do not take any responsibility for this.

Fair Play - our rules

  • In case of violations we reserve the right to hide or remove individual contributions. In case of serious or repeated violations, we exclude users from our channels.
  • We delete insulting, inciting, defamatory, pornographic, inflammatory, youth-endangering or even criminal statements. We also remove spam, commercial messages, election or party advertising, calls for demonstrations, campaigns and petitions.
  • In the case of links to external websites, we reserve the right to review content and, if necessary, remove the URL or the entire comment if it is unrelated to the content or is spam.


The platforms are maintained at these times:

  • Monday to Sunday: 09:00 - 17:00.

We will try to answer your questions as soon as possible. However, if answers require coordination with other departments, there may be delays.

Questions to the city administration

The central email address is: info@jena.de. The departments with their contact persons can be found at the respective topic.

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