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Evening situation from 08.05.2020


Corona case numbers

Today a special case is to be reported. A person from the medical sector who tested positive on Wednesday was tested negative several times during follow-up tests. This person, who also showed no symptoms, is therefore considered to be a non-infected person. Thus, the number of cases in Jena drops back to 158 and there are 6 active cases.

158 corona cases in Jena, one person is undergoing inpatient treatment in the intensive care unit.
In total there were 3 deaths. 149 persons are considered to have recovered, 6 active cases.

New sand playgrounds in Jena

At the following locations new sand playgrounds are or will be released shortly:
Am Steinbach, Sophienstrasse, Eichplatz, Am Gries, Paradies, Sickingenstrasse, Pushkinplatz, Jenaplan, Lawn Mill Island, Hugo-Schrade-Strasse, Johannes-R.-Becher-Strasse, Saalebogen Goeschwitz, Lobeda West, Ziegesarstrasse, Hans-Berger-Strasse and Salvador-Allende-Platz

As already reported, the new offers are intended to temporarily supplement the playgrounds that have been reopened since the beginning of the week.

Adapted general decree of the city of Jena on hygiene concepts in schools

Starting next week, Jena schools will be required to submit a qualified hygiene concept for the respective facility to the Health Department for confirmation. This concept must include, among other things, measures for maintaining a minimum distance, the obligation to wear a mouth-nose cover during breaks within the school building, procedures for lunchtime care and a ventilation concept.

All Jena schools for children and young people have already complied with this obligation. 10 concepts have already been confirmed by the Health Department.

At the same time, the previous general ruling of 24.04.2020 was extended until 17.05.2020 with the previous amendments. When a new state decree is published, the provisions will be adapted to the new legal text even before then. This will probably apply to the catering trade, the relaxation of contact restrictions and other areas.