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Tree felling and replanting in Naumburger Straße


Press release from Jenaer Nahverkehr GmbH :

As part of the track construction work in Naumburger Straße, further tree felling is expected to be carried out by Kommunalservice Jena in the coming week from Monday, 11.03.2024. A total of eight sycamores will have to be removed along the track system. A further three trees will remain, but will have to be cut back considerably.

The tree felling was agreed in on-site inspections with the Lower Nature Conservation Authority, the Jena municipal service responsible for maintenance and tree care and members of the tree protection commission. According to the experts, the necessary According to the experts, the necessary shaft work at a depth of up to 1.90 meters would destroy around a third of the trees' root system. As a result, their stability would no longer be guaranteed.

As a compensatory measure, Jenaer Nahverkehr is replanting a total of 21 trees along the route this fall. When replanting, care is now being taken to ensure that the trees are further away from the tracks and have a less wide crown and less wide root system. In two years' time, the track system in Naumburger Straße is also to be completed as a green track, thus contributing to inner-city greening and improving the urban climate.

Bäume in der Naumburger Straße Symbolfoto: Solche Pyramideneichen werden aufgrund ihres schlanken Kronen- und Wurzelwachstums als Ersatzpflanzung der gefällten Bäume in der Naumburger Straße genutzt. © Stadt Jena