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It's 5 past 12 - Jena and Erfurt call on state government to act more consistently


in Thuringia the state-wide 7-day incidence is heading for 300, patients from clinics in the Free State are already being taken over by Saxony-Anhalt. Just two reports in the last few hours: the situation is deteriorating rapidly. The state government is signaling concern - nothing more.

"It's 5 past 12," emphasize Erfurt's mayor Andreas Bausewein and Jena's mayor Christian Gerlitz, "The state government must finally say what it wants to do to get the development back under control. So far, we've only been hearing for months where they don't want any restrictions."

Andreas Bausewein, mayor of Erfurt, says: "In many federal states the pandemic has taken a negative course in recent weeks, but nowhere is the development as dramatic as in Saxony and Thuringia."

Jena's mayor Christian Gerlitz adds: "In addition to the special paths compared to other federal states that Thuringia has always taken here, rhetoric that has not made the seriousness of the situation understandable has certainly also contributed to the development in Thuringia.The state government must finally speak plainly and prepare the people for what is to follow. The situation is dramatic, as the number of intensive care patients in two weeks' time has already been determined by today's high infection figures. And we don't see a turnaround yet."

Andreas Bausewein: "We have come through the crisis in Erfurt and Jena a little better so far, because we have tightened the measures of the Free State with our general orders."

"It was impossible for the two largest cities in Thuringia to completely detach themselves in large parts from the much too hesitant Thuringian Corona policy," both criticize, "Especially when by the state in the case of more far-reaching regulations on the ground is also partly still trying to counteract them."

Mayor Christian Gerlitz also makes a further demand on the state: "The protection and support of nursing homes must absolutely be implemented more consistently throughout the state. Almost every day we see here just new outbreaks, each one associated with an incredible amount of human suffering. Concrete support and more protection for staff and residents is needed here, statewide."