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Wanted: Helpers for senior citizens' homes in Jena


Due to the current outbreak in various Jena senior and care facilities, the city has created a new opportunity to bring together the affected facilities and dedicated helpers. We are looking for people partly with and partly without previous medical knowledge or a health passport. Fields of application are, among other things, support with quick tests or in the housekeeping area, such as preparing meals, handing out food or other assistance for residents.

On the Internet side www.buergerstiftung-jena.de the "Corona Engagements Finder" of the Freiwilligenagenturwas adapted and can be used now for the switching of aids to nursing homes. For this purpose, nursing homes can register under "We are looking for helpers", select the new assignment field "Attention urgently wanted! Support in nursing homes" and state their needs. But it is not only the facilities affected by an outbreak that can register here. Also those who need support with rapid tests for relatives or have acute staff shortages due to school and daycare closures can register here.

For interested volunteers, facilities will be seen under existing requests and it is recommended that you then contact the facility DIRECTLY.

The Friedrich Schiller University of Jena also supports the project through an appeal among students. Mayor Christian Gerlitz is grateful:

"We have to stick together in the current situation and I am glad that we have local partners through the civic foundation and the university who offer their help. And I am proud of the citizens of Jena who, under the current difficult circumstances, are also thinking of other people and are helping to cope with the pandemic. Many thanks to all volunteers!"