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Evening situation from 05.04.2020


Corona case numbers

142 cases are currently reported. 7 are treated as inpatients, 2 are in intensive care.

Campaign "Cover your mouth and nose well!"

To support the obligation to cover the mouth and nose from Monday on, the agency ART-KON-TOR in cooperation with the city of Jena developed a motive campaign. This campaign is to point out the measures in a motivating and informative way. All poster motives are available for download on Coronavirus with the request for distribution.

Citizens sewing for citizens

Citizens' Foundation and Diakonie, together with the city of Jena, have launched the project "Citizens sewing for citizens". Private individuals and associations who sew themselves and would like to pass on these nose-mouth covers to other citizens and initiatives can do so from Monday through the Citizens' Foundation. After cleaning, the nose-mouth coverings are distributed to needy people and social institutions with the support of the Jena Diakonie and its partners.

If you would like to donate nose-mouth coverings or if you are not able to buy or produce them yourself for urgent reasons, you can contact the hotline of the Citizens' Foundation 0049 3641 6392920 or send an e-mail to info@buergerstiftung-jena.de.

Mouth and nose cover video

In the videoinformation on the covering of the mouth and nose. Dr.med. Trommer fromSpecialist service health of the city of Jena explainsthe motives behind the obligation to cover. The video is on Youtubecan be called up.