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Jena and the NSU Complex


The program for Jena

Ten years after the so-called "National Socialist Underground" (NSU) became publicly known, many questions remain unanswered, many wounds with no prospect of healing. The main perpetrators came from Jena. It is time to intensify the urban social confrontation with right-wing terror, with racism, with discrimination and with the threat to those who think differently. It is time to make the victims and those affected more visible. It is time to acknowledge and strengthen them in their fight against the causes of exclusion, hatred and violence alongside various citizens' initiatives.

On the initiative of JenaKultur, the city of Jena, the Friedrich Schiller University of Jena and the Institute for Civil Society and Democracy, the historical roots will be reappraised in several stages, questions asked, perspectives opened.

In addition to the commitment and participation in the nationwide core program, the city of Jena organizes exhibitions, site-specific works, panels, discussions, workshops, readings, lectures and much more.

Together with civil society organizations, activists, scientists and artists, a program is presented that approaches the incomprehensible in different contexts and is intended to facilitate an exchange of perspectives.

Central findings from over 30 events will be incorporated into a municipal action plan for diversity and against racism.

On Wednesday, the program was presented with the participation of many initiators and actors. The complete overview of all points will be published successively on the project page. A recording of the press conference will also be added here.



Selected events (The complete program in the PDF attached)

  • Thursday, 17 June, 6 p.m., Theaterhaus Jena
    Award of the JMR-Lenz-Prize for Drama of the City of Jena to Antje Schupp
    Laudator: Cem Özdemir with greeting by OB Dr. Thomas Nitzsche
  • Saturday, 16 July to Sunday, 8 August, Jena Art Collection
    Exhibition, Curatorial Concept: Ayse Güleç and Fritz Laszlo Weber
  • Wednesday, August 25 to Saturday, September 11, NietzscheMemorial Hall | Altes Funkhaus Weimar, Humboldtstraße 36, 99425 Weimar
    »438Days of the NSU trial - a theatrical search for clues".
    A documentary-performative re-enactment by Nuran David Çalış& Tunçay Kulaoğlu.
  • Wednesday, 29.9, Buchenwald/ Jerusalem/ Berlin/ Jena
    GLEISSENDESLIGHT - a musical ritual of remembrance by Marc Sinan
    A concert as part of the ACHAVA Festival Thuringia and thetheme year "Nine Centuries of Jewish Life in Thuringia".
    Cast: Buchenwald Memorial: Boys' Choir of the JenaPhilharmonic Orchestra, Weimar State Orchestra / Jerusalem: Hadar Dimand/ Berlin: Michael Wendeberg/ Jena: Jena Philharmonic Orchestra, JenaMadrigal Circle and soloists
  • Thursday, September 30, Volksbad Jena
    Thefollowing story
    On the culture, function and dialectics of memory. Four impulses anda conversation
    Guests: Prof. Dr. Aleida Assmann, Prof. Dr. Volkhard Knigge, Prof.Dr. Andreas Beelmann and Doğan Akhanlı, moderated by Jonas Zipf.
  • From Saturday, 2 October, 2 p.m., meeting point: Johannisstraße 14, wooden sculpture
    Fear zones andshelters. Right-wing violence, anti-racist commitment and Jena's urban societyaround 1990
    City walk on the history of racism and right-wing violence, ofmigrant lifeworlds and civil society commitment.
    Organizer: ThürAZ, BMBF- Research Network "Dictatorship Experience andTransformation" and Chair of Modern and Contemporary History at the FSU Jena
  • Sunday, October 3, 11 a.m.
    AArtistic intervention in public space
    on German continuities, gaps in the reappraisal of the 1990sand before.
  • Sunday, October 3, Rathausdiele, 3-6 p.m.
    Weimar,Bonn, Berlin: Commemorative Culture in Changing
    Lecture and symposium with Prof. Dr. Michael Dreyer, Decolonize Jena,Ayşe Gülec, Prof. Dr. Verena Krieger, Prof. Dr. Volkhard Knigge
  • Wednesday, October 6, Ernst Abbe University Jena, 2 p.m.
    Racistrelations. Criticism of the role of social work in the NSU complex
    Panel Discussion with Christina Büttner, Konrad Erben, Prof. Dr. Heike Radvan, Moderation: Prof. Dr. Anna Kasten und Prof. Dr. Sören Kliem
  • Saturday, 9 October, 3 - 4.30 p.m.
    "RightsViolence in Jena? It doesn't exist anymore!"
    Racist Attacks in the City and Surrounding Areas Today. Tasks forpolitics and social work.
    Organizer: Fanprojekt Jena e.V. and Street Social Work Mitte
  • Friday, 8 October, 7 p.m.
    "Showthe place of my memory(s)
    1990 Jena Winzerla - right-wing (youth) groups socialize
    1990 Jena Paradies - (post)migrants show solidarity
    Organizer: Decolonize Jena
  • Friday, 15 October (15-18 h) and Saturday, 16 October (10-14 h),HUGO Winzerla
    Administrationas a mirror of a diverse society?
    Non-public moderation process for the development of theself-commitment and the action plan of the Jena City Administration for Diversity, Direction: Office of the Lord Mayor
  • Sunday, October 17, Volksbad, 8 p.m.
    SebastianKrumbiegel: "Show courage - a musical reading".
    Organizer: JenaKultur
  • Wednesday, 20 October, Town Hall Hall, 7 p.m.
    2x3:They came from here!
    Panel#1: The city and the NSU: Dr. Albrecht Schröter and Dr.Thomas Nitzsche in conversation with Christhart Läpple
    Panel#2: (Over) three decades of anti-fascist, anti-racistcommitment: Rea Mauersberger, Dr. Gisela Horn and Michael Ebenau inconversation with Dr. Matthias Quent
  • from Thursday, 21 October
    (In)VisibleTraces (premiere)
    Audiovisual walk in urban space - part 1 of the implementation of theconcept "The courageous majority", whichwas awarded the JMR-Lenz-Prize of the cityof Jena.
    Concept + text + realization: Antje Schupp, Organizer:Theaterhaus Jena
  • Sunday, 24 October, Jena Town Hall, 11 a.m.
    Panel for the presentation of the book project by and with Dr. Onur Nobrega, Rebekka Blum and Maria Apostolou, Moderation: Jonas Zipf, Dr. Matthias Quent
  • Tuesday, November 2, Rosensäle, Fürstengraben 27, Jena (1-6 p.m.)
    Preventbeginnings, enable turning away!Scientific foundations and practicalApproaches to radicalisation prevention and de-radicalisation
    Lecture event with project presentations
    With Prof.Dr. Andreas Beelmann, Prof. Dr. Andreas Zick, Dr. Lena Frischlich, Prof. Dr.Michael May, Dr. Britta Schellenberg
    Organizer: Center for Research on Right-Wing Extremism,Democracy Education and Social Integration (KomRex), Friedrich Schiller University Jena
  • Tuesday, November 9, starting at 5 p.m., at more than 40 locations in Jena.
    Epilogue:Sound of the Stumbling Stones
    Decentralized sound memorial at Stolpersteine and other places that havesomething to do with the crimes of the Nazi dictatorship. Thesong"DosKelbl"will beplayedthere.
    Initiated by Klaus Wegener, G.G. Paulus, Till Noack


Impulses of the initiators

  • Dr. Thomas Nitzsche, Lord Mayorof the city of Jena

    The deeds of young people from our midstand social failure have caused much suffering. With theintensive confrontation we willfacetheresponsibility towards the victims of terror.A long, painful and necessaryprocess in which no line is drawn.

  • Jonas Zipf, Plant Manager JenaKultur

    Ascultural actors, it is our conviction that only on a broad basis, on thepath of inclusion of different perspectives, can we succeed in activelydealing with racismand right-wing extremism. Inaddition to astrong civil society, it is also and especially the discursive means of artand culture that offer thechance toopen a new and open dialogue.

  • Prof. Dr. Walter Rosenthal, President of theFriedrich Schiller University Jena

    The defence of the open societyis acrucial component of a scientific culture in the 21st century.Enlightened science forms the antithesisto nationalism, misanthropy, violence and racism. Research, teaching andstudy need diversity, tolerance and mutual curiosity.

  • Dr. Axel Salheiser, consultant at the Institutefor Democracy and Civil Society (IDZ)

    The ethnic and racist ideology thatdrove the NSU perpetrators and their supporters is still rampant today.Hate, incitement and threats have increased, and those affectedare still inadequatelyprotected - as part of the series of events on the NSU complex, we will takea comparative look at this internationaldevelopment.

  • Dr. Gösta Gantner, project manager of theJena program

    Even though we are focusing on the 1990s in thefall in orderto make the roots of the NSU complex in Jena more apparent, this does notimply abackward-lookingseries of events.A splitting off of the past does not work because it is only supposedly past.Not only the wounds arefar from healed, but also the problems arefar from being solved.The slogan "No line in the sand!" underlines theintention to alwaysunderstandthis reappraisal as a criticalstocktaking ofour own present.