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Jena flash unit designed by children


More than two years ago, the traffic control department of the city of Jena tested mobile flash units. These devices perform their service autonomously. One of the speed cameras quickly became the victim of a paint attack. The pink cover attracted a lot of media attention. Despite the bright colour, the number of speeding offences recorded did not decrease. Overall, the trial phase ended with a positive conclusion.

The municipality's own devices have now been in service since March 2021. The Finance, Security and Citizen Services Department quickly came up with the plan to entrust the colour design to true experts.

On the initiative of the head of the department of public order Benjamin Koppe, kindergarten children from the Winzerla daycare center "Bertolla" were asked to paint pictures for the device. There is a studio in the facility and the little ones are guided by an art teacher in the team. Thus, affectionate pictures were designed, which the company Wachwerk transformed into a bonding.

On Friday, the creatively redesigned "Louis" semi-station from JENOPTIK was inaugurated. All the children were enthusiastic and were also able to take a look inside the device.

The city of Jena wants to make clear with this action: Speed measurements are not there to annoy drivers. Monitoring takes place for protection in particularly sensitive road areas, especially where children are present. That is why the speed camera is not hidden. This is unique in Germany.

The measuring station, as well as another device, is primarily used in sensitive traffic areas, at accident blackspots and, of course, in front of daycare centers and schools.