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Operational exercise for future emergency paramedics


There will be an emergency exercise tomorrow, Saturday, Sept. 18, starting at approximately 9 a.m. in the Lake Egel area. The exercise will be conducted for prospective emergency paramedics of the city (fire department, DRK, ASB and ProLife). In addition, a rescue dog squad as well as the height rescue of the professional fire brigade and two volunteer fire brigades are in action.

The ProLife company has made the construction site of its new company headquarters at the Egelsee available and we will simulate an accident there after a small explosion. There will be - simulated - about 12 to 16 lightly to severely injured people, who will be treated by the trainees and transported to the hospital.

Contact persons on site are the medical director Dr. Sebastian Lang, Nick Ludwig (team leader training fire brigade), as well as Tim Schuppan (fire chief inspector/ training fire brigade).