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Practice-integrated teacher training thanks to state funding


This week, the city of Jena received a grant from the Thuringian Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports for the practice-integrated training of state-approved educators. With a grant of around 175,000 euros, the state will cover the personnel costs for three training positions over a period of three years.

"The trainees can expect a practical part of 40 percent, which they will complete primarily in their respective regular day care center at the Bertolla day care center, the integrative Kindervilla day care center or the Janusz Korczak day care center. In addition, they will also work in other municipal facilities. A diversified training with many insights is guaranteed", says Anja Andritzke, training manager of the Jena city administration.

The Thuringian Specialist Staff Initiative Kita funding guideline was announced in May 2020 and specified the "Marie-Elise-Kayser-Schule" state vocational school for health and social services in Erfurt for the city of Jena. According to the funding guidelines, only applicants from this school who have already won the school's selection procedure may be considered.

Training in 28 disciplines

In total, the Jena city administration offers training in 28 different fields. The spectrum ranges from the classic administrative professions to emergency paramedics, professional drivers, event managers and the dual course of studies in civil engineering (B.A.). A special feature is that Jena's trainees have the opportunity to spend time abroad to strengthen their language and intercultural skills. Thus, some trainees for emergency paramedics were in Russia in November 2019 as part of their training and got to know places of action such as hospitals, universities and fire stations.

It is particularly gratifying that in recent years all successful graduates in the core administration have been offered a job with the city of Jena.