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Evening situation from 30.03.2020


Corona case numbers

At present, there are 119 reported cases in Jena (status 30.03.2020, 18:00 hrs).

Mouth-nose-covering obligation for shopping in Jena in about a week

Austria has today taken the path and Jena has also decided to take further steps to protect its population. In a week's time, the wearing of a mouth and nose cover will become obligatory in Jena's sales outlets, public transport and buildings with public access. This measure has been called for by the Health Service. This will increase the safety of staff in public life. In addition to self-made mouth-and-nose covers, scarves or shawls are also recognised as protection. However, these must also cover the nose and mouth.

Call for sewing of the mouth and nose cover to the population

In the implementation, preference is given to the JenaJenaer set. The city has basic equipment of mouth-nose-coverings, with the nursing staff,Doctors, public transport drivers andothers in systemically relevant infrastructure are suppliedcan. For the supply of the population the urgent request goes:Sew yourself and other peoplethe essential mouth-nose covering to stem the spread of the virus. Any mouth-nose cover is better than none at all.

On Coronavirus important answers to questions on this topic are bundled in the section -> Mouth and nose cover.

New public transport timetable

From Wednesday, 01.04.2020 a new timetable of the Jena public transport system will be valid. Important routes will be better served than before.

Video to encourage from JenaTV

A wonderful video to encourage, has been created by the local television JenaTV. Many thanks to the team and the actors!