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The most beautiful facades in Jena are being sought


The flair of a city also depends on the aesthetic aspects of its buildings. A beautifully designed façade is not only appealing, but also has a positive influence on the surroundings. The sponsors of the façade award have been successfully promoting many of these architectural gems in Jena since 1993.

This year, the following companies and private individuals are once again providing a total of almost 10,000 euros in prize money and non-cash benefits in recognition of the private commitment of building owners in particular:

  • Sparkasse Jena-Saale-Holzland
  • Ingenieurbüro Bau- und Ausrüstungen GmbH (IBA GmbH), Jena
  • HI Bauprojekt GmbH, Jena
  • District craftsmen's association Jena-Saale-Holzland
  • Your painter - Thomas Jüttner GmbH, Jena
  • Augenoptik Stegmann, Jena
  • Assekuranz & Immobilien Consult, Jena
  • Dunkel, Veit & Heppner GmbH, Jena
  • Gummich family, Jena (private)
  • HEYX Engineering, project management - construction supervision, Jena
  • GiSi ARCHiTECTS . Architectural office Gisbert Bachrodt
  • OTTO-Architektur + Landschaftsarchitektur Partnerschaft mbB, Jena
  • Heiko Krabbes, Jena (private)
  • Elisabeth Wackernagel, Jena (private)
  • Steffen Kind - Energy consulting and building analysis, Jena
  • Motel & Bowling Jembopark, Jena

"This year marks the 32nd time that the façade prize has been awarded. This shows how important it is to the sponsors to recognize the private commitment of the building owners in particular. With the associated special prize for energy efficiency, they are also keeping their finger on the pulse of the times and supporting the city of Jena's ambitious goal of becoming climate-neutral by 2035. They deserve our thanks and respect for this," emphasizes Christian Gerlitz, Mayor and Head of the Department for Urban Development and the Environment.

Special prize for energy efficiency

The special prize for energy efficiency is awarded in addition to the actual façade prize for projects in which the architecture is combined with the use of renewable energies and technologies to increase energy efficiency in particularly exemplary quality.

Important deadlines for participation

Until 27.09.2024, building owners can apply for the façade prize and the special energy efficiency prize with their new build or renovation projects in the city of Jena. Public buildings are excluded from the award of prize money.

The jury meeting, at which each applicant property will be inspected, will take place on 14.11.2024.

The winners will be officially announced and the prize money presented at the award ceremony on 16.12.2024 in the town hall.

The sponsors and the city of Jena are looking forward to receiving a wide range of applications.

More information and forms

The competition conditions and application forms can be found HERE on the website of the City of Jena.

Die Sponsorinnen und Sponsoren des Fassadenpreises 2024.