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Results of the 49th meeting of the City Council


The voting results of the public part of the 49th City Council meeting on Wednesday, 25.10.2023.

All submissions can be found in the council system of the city of Jena .

3. confirmation of the minutes of the 46th meeting of the City Council on 28.06.2023.

- confirmed by majority -

4. confirmation of the minutes of the continuation of the 46th meeting of the city council on 29.06.23

- confirmed by majority -

5. residents' question time

6. question time

7th topical hour CDU parliamentary group on the accommodation of refugees after admission stop of the country Thuringia

8th debate on the major inquiry of the parliamentary group DIE LINKE "Situation in Jena after the end of the pandemic" (inquiry of 28.06.23 TOP 5, answer of 27.09.23 TOP 7)

9. proposed resolution by the mayor - reappointment of the student advisory council

- unanimously confirmed -

10. draft resolution of the parliamentary group DIE LINKE - reappointment to committees

- unanimously confirmed -

11. resolution proposal FDP parliamentary group - investment in our future - review and optimization of the financial support of the business development agency for the recruitment of skilled workers (resubmission from 06.09.23 item 22)

- by a majority confirmed -

Proposed resolution by the Bündnis 90/Die Grünen (Alliance 90/The Greens), FDP, SPD, DIE LINKE (The Left), BÜRGER FÜR JENA (Citizens for JENA), CDU parliamentary groups - Strengthening the right of the council members to make inquiries (resubmission of 27.09.23 item 24)

- unanimously confirmed -

13. resolution submitted by the parliamentary group DIE LINKE - accessibility at public transport stops (resubmission of 10.05.2023 TOP 24)

- withdrawn -

14. proposed resolution by the Bündnis 90/Die Grünen (Alliance 90/The Greens) and SPD parliamentary groups - Strengthening Jena's local public transport system (resubmission of 06.09.23, item 24)

- by majority confirmed -

15. resolution proposal of the FDP parliamentary group - continuation of the strategy for growth and investment (resubmission of 19.04.23 item 24)

- by a majority confirmed -

16. report submission Audit Committee - special audit project "The Diamond Maker" (resubmission of 28/29.06.23 TOP 48 and 27.09.23 TOP 26)

- Postponed to next City Council meeting -

17. report submission Lord Mayor - report of the anti-corruption officer (resubmission of 27.09.23 TOP 27)

- taken note of -

18. report submission Lord Mayor - 2nd annual report of the anti-discrimination office 2022-2023 (resubmission of 27.09.23 item 28)

- Postponed to next City Council meeting -

19. resolution proposal Lord Mayor - basic resolution on the contribution and withdrawal of fixed assets and special items between the city and the city's special assets

- unanimously confirmed -

20. resolution proposal Lord Mayor - overbudgeted and unbudgeted expenses 2023 for energy (street lighting/light signal systems)

- unanimously confirmed -

21. resolution proposal by the Lord Mayor - 2022 annual financial statements of the jenarbeit municipal undertaking

- unanimously confirmed -

22. resolution submitted by the parliamentary group DIE LINKE - residents' participation in municipal heating planning

- referred to committee -

23. draft resolution of the parliamentary group DIE LINKE - information on and resolution on the economic planning of Stadtwerke Jena GmbH

- referred to committee -

24. draft resolution of the parliamentary group DIE LINKE - information boards at the memorial stele Löbstedter Straße

- referred to committee -

25. draft resolution SPD parliamentary group - loading lanterns for Jena

- referred to committee -

26. draft resolution CDU and SPD parliamentary groups - support of honorary office - Citycard for volunteer fire departments

- referred to committee -

27. resolution proposal CDU faction - adjustment of the statute of the dog tax

- referred to committee -
