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City Council adopts additional measures from the local transport plan


At its meeting yesterday, the city council approved the implementation of additional measures from the 2022+ local transport plan. These provide for the improvement of services in the Jena-Nord district, as well as in the districts of Drackendorf, Ziegenhain, Lichtenhain, Lobeda-Altstadt, Münchenroda and Remderoda.

The implementation of the measures is based on a resolution passed by the city council in 2023, which called on the administration to present a concept for the implementation of the measures with a timeframe and budget. In a first step, three measures are now to be implemented as soon as possible in 2024. The subsidy requirement is estimated at up to €540,000 per year and is to be provided by the city of Jena.

Improved services

Specifically, the service on line 15 between Westbahnhof and the turning area in Rautal is to be extended by three late-night trips a day. In Münchenroda and Remderoda, eight particularly popular weekday journeys on route 44 are to be converted into regular services. This eliminates the need to register journeys by telephone with Jenaer Nahverkehr. In addition, the districts of Drackendorf, Ziegenhain, Lobeda-Altstadt and Lichtenhain are to be connected by a minibus every two hours. In Ziegenhain there is currently only a very limited local transport service, in Drackendorf and Lichtenhain there is none at all.

Pilot project

The measures are initially to be implemented as a pilot project for a period of 18 months and evaluated after 12 months. After evaluating the passenger numbers on the respective routes and reporting back to the city council, a new vote will be held on whether to continue the project on a permanent basis. If it turns out that the services are not accepted by passengers as hoped, this may also mean that the measures are discontinued.
