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Letter of Honor of the Free State of Thuringia for Dr. Jörg Fuchs


Today (12.9.2024), Jena citizen Dr. Jörg Fuchs was presented with the letter of honour and the badge of honour of the Free State of Thuringia by State Secretary Tina Beer and Lord Mayor Dr. Thomas Nitzsche. This was in recognition of Dr. Fuchs' outstanding cooperation and mediation work at Jena's swimming pools and especially in the new construction project for the indoor sports pool. For Jörg Fuchs, water is part of the element, as he worked as a swimming coach for many years. This is where State Secretary Beer came full circle, as she used to be a swimming student of Dr. Fuchs and was personally delighted to present him with the letter of honor.

Since 2005, the Free State of Thuringia has been awarding letters of honour for voluntary work in local self-government or for involvement in organizations with cultural or social objectives in the Free State of Thuringia .

3 Personen stehen in einem Raum, eine Person hält Blumen und eine Urkunde in der Hand.
Staatssekretärin Tina Beer (links) und Oberbürgermeister Dr. Thomas Nitzsche (rechts) übergeben den Ehrenbrief des Freistaates Thüringen an Dr. Jörg Fuchs (mitte)
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