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Results of the City Council of November 16, 2022


The voting results of the public part of the 38th City Council meeting on Wednesday, November 16, 2022 are available.

All documents are in the council system of the city of Jena.


Confirmation of the minutes of the 36th meeting of the City Council on 14.09.2022 - public part -.

- confirmed -


Residents' question time


Question time


- dropped -


Debate on the major inquiry of the Bündnis 90/Die Grünen parliamentary group on the energy strategy of the city of Jena
(Question from 13.07.22 TOP 5 and answer from 12.10.22 TOP 11)
Submission: GA/Greens/06/2022


Proposed resolution by the DIE LINKE parliamentary group - reappointment to committees
(to be submitted later)
Submission: 22/1720-BV

- confirmed -


Proposed resolution CDU parliamentary group - reappointment of committees
Submission: 22/1723-BV

- confirmed -


Proposed resolution BÜRGER FÜR JENA - Reshuffle in committees
Submission: 22/1724-BV

- confirmed -


Parliamentary group Bündnis 90/ Die Grünen - Reshuffle in committees
Submission: 22/1725-BV

- confirmed -


Proposed resolution Lord Mayor - Statutes of the City of Jena on the 1st amendment of the Statutes of the City of Jena on the special use of public roads from 13.12.2017.
(resubmission from 12.10.22 TOP 20)
Submission: 22/1658-BV

- confirmed -


Proposed resolution by the Lord Mayor - Statutes of the City of Jena on the 9th amendment of the Statutes on the levying of special use fees dated 13.12.2017.
(resubmission from 12.10.22 TOP 21)
Submission: 22/1593-BV

- Amendment proposed by Bündnis90/Die Grünen: rejected by majority - confirmed

- confirmed -


Proposed resolution by the FDP and DIE LINKE parliamentary groups - Evaluation and revision of the website www.jena.de
(resubmission from 14.09.22 Item 28)
Submission: 22/1619-BV

- confirmed by majority -


Proposed resolution CDU parliamentary group and mayor and department head Mr. Gerlitz - Heat action plan for the city of Jena
(resubmission from 13./14.07.22 TOP 33 and 14.09.22 TOP 21)
Submission: 22/1537-BV

- confirmed by majority -


Draft resolution by the Bündnis 90/Die Grünen parliamentary group and the mayor and department head, Mr. Gerlitz - Public information on tree cutting
(resubmission from 27.04.22 TOP 30)
Submission: 22/1402-BV

- unanimously confirmed -


Proposed resolution by the Lord Mayor - Statutes amending the main statutes
Submission: 22/1708-BV

- confirmed by majority -


Proposed resolution by the Lord Mayor - Establishment of a public enterprise to strengthen the municipal IT system
Submission: 22/1689-BV

- confirmed by majority -


- deleted -


Proposed resolution by the Lord Mayor - 2021 annual financial statements of Stadtwerke Jena GmbH
Presentation: 22/1662-BV

- unanimously confirmed -


Proposed resolution by the Lord Mayor - 2021 consolidated financial statements of Stadtwerke Jena GmbH
Submission: 22/1663-BV

- unanimously confirmed -


Proposed resolution by the Lord Mayor - Shareholder resolution of Stadtwerke Jena GmbH on the discharge of the Supervisory Board of Stadtwerke Energie Jena-Pößneck GmbH
Submission: 22/1697-BV

- unanimously confirmed -


Proposed resolution by the Lord Mayor - 2021 annual financial statements of Wirtschaftsförderungsgesellschaft Jena mbH & appointment of auditor 2022
Submission: 22/1666-BV

- unanimously confirmed -


Proposed resolution by the Lord Mayor - Initiation of a procedure for the preparation of a development plan B-Is 10 "Wohnen am Kleinromstedter Weg
Submission: 22/1291-BV

- confirmed by majority -


Proposed resolution by the Lord Mayor - Statute pursuant to § 25 (1) sentence 1 no. 2 BauGB on the pre-emptive right to purchase land "Am Kleinromstedter Weg in Isserstedt
Submission: 22/1292-BV

- confirmed by majority -


Proposed resolution by the Lord Mayor - Resolution on the consideration of the comments received during the participation in the simplified amendment procedure B-Gö 07.1 "Jena 21 - Technology Park Jena Southwest
Submission: 22/1569-BV

- unanimously confirmed -


Proposed resolution by the Lord Mayor - Resolution on the adoption of the simplified amendment procedure for the development plan B-Gö 07.1 "Jena 21 - Technology Park Jena Southwest
Submission: 22/1570-BV

- unanimously confirmed -


Mayor's resolution - Resolution on the initiation of the project-related development plan VBB-Wj-20 "Residential extension north of Karl-Liebknecht-Strasse
Submission: 22/1651-BV

- unanimously confirmed -
