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Warning strikes on 8.3.2023


Warning Strikes in the Municipality of Jena

Restrictions expected in citizen services and municipal kindergartens

The trade union Verdi has called on the employees of the public service in Jena to a warning strike. Accordingly, tomorrow, Wednesday, 8.3.2023, partly significant restrictions are expected in individual areas of the city administration and in the municipal kindergartens.

Strikes are to be expected in the following departments and facilities:

Citizen Services

All appointments in Citizens' Services will be cancelled on Wednesday, 8.3.2023. Affected citizens who have left an email address have already been sent the appointment cancellation. You can make an alternative appointment - best by calling the hotline 03641 493714 today, Tuesday or Thursday. The phones will not be manned on Wednesday due to the strike.


Parents of kindergartens affected by the strike will be informed by kindergarten staff. Parents are asked to contact the municipal kindergartens directly for information about possible restrictions.

Since strikes do not have to be announced in advance, other municipal facilities may be affected by restrictions.
