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10 days - 10 countries. Stage 2: Memorial Sighetu, Romania.


Memorial Sighetu, Romania.

Throughout Europe, socialism claimed its victims - in Romania alone, hundreds of thousands of people were imprisoned, tortured and killed in the name of communism from 1947 until the fall of dictator Nicolae Ceaușescu.

This is particularly evident even today at the Memorial to the Victims of Communism in Sighetu, Romania. Here we were welcomed by Norbert Kondrát and Andrea Dobes, who guided us through the former prison where political elites were imprisoned until the 1960s. Norbert and Andrea gave us a fascinating insight into their work and the necessity of remembrance work.

After the guided tour through the area, there was still some time left for discussions. With regard to a possible Future Center for German Unity and European Transformation in Jena, the hope was expressed to enter into a cooperative partnership - not least because close contacts have already existed for decades through the University of Jena.

We thank for the warm welcome, the interesting guided tour and the support for our application.

Photos: Christian Faludi

About the background of the trip: https://rathaus.jena.de/de/von-jena-aus-10-laender-10-tagen

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