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7th Thuringian Congress of Children and Youth Committees virtually from Jena


Tomorrow, Saturday, the 7th Thuringian Children's and Youth Committee Congress will take place. This year, the Youth Parliament of Jena will host the event, even though it will be held digitally via video conference due to the current situation. Two people from Jena will moderate the congress live from the F-House. 60 representatives of the 17 Thuringian youth parliaments, advisory boards, forums and committees aged 14 to 18 years will participate.

In addition to the general exchange about the work on the ground, the aim of the congress is to provide further training in order to be able to better represent the interests of children and young people in the municipalities and at state level. Accordingly, the following four workshops are on the programme:

  • Children's rights in the Basic Law?!
  • Opportunities for participation in the community
  • Talk about it! Successful communication with decision makers in committee work
  • Umbrella organisation and strong children's and youth committees from 0 to 100 - How we can get involved more effectively in Thuringian politics!

Afterwards, the participants compile the results of the workshops. These then serve as guidelines for the work in their own communities. But they will also appear as a summary on the website of the Thuringian umbrella organisation of children's and youth committees and will be presented to the Thuringian Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports in its function as the State Youth Welfare Office.