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9 new infections with the SARS-CoV-2 virus


in the last 24 hours, 9 new SARS CoV-2 virus infections have been reported to the Health Service This means that the city of Jena continues to exceed the seven-day incidence of 35. 3 outbreaks have been identified which have an impact on the entire city area.

Therefore a new general ruling was issued, which will come into effect on Friday. It is available on the information page jena.de/corona.(Link to the file)

About the infections today:

6 young people, 4 of them contact persons, one person returning from a trip, one person with unclear origin ofinfection.

3 elderly contact persons, 2 of them related to the Greek restaurant.

A total of 11 cases of infection have so far been identified in connection with the private party in the restaurant.

2 persons have recovered.

The statistics of Thursday, 22 October 2020:

- Number of active cases: 55
- thereof in the last 24 hours: 9
- thereof stationary: 5
- heavy progressions: 2

- Infections in the last seven days: 47
- Seven-day incidence for Jena: 43.5

- Total number of infected persons since 14 March 2020: 303

- Total number of deaths: 4
- Total recoveries: 244
- of which in the last 24 hours: 2

- persons in quarantine: 339