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Awarded city cycling in Jena


The STADTRADELN Jena 2023 was a complete success. All last year's values could be exceeded. Today, the honoring of the winning teams by Mayor Christian Gerlitz and the company asphericon GmbH took place in the Rathausarkaden. The technology company is sponsor of the STADTRADELNS in Jena and donates the cash prizes to the school support associations.

A total of 2,908 active cyclists in 141 teams took part this year. During the three-week campaign period, they covered a total of 553,333 kilometers by bike in 56,345 trips. This means that each participant cycled an average of 190 kilometers. In this way, a total of around 90 tons of Co2 was avoided.

Awards were presented to, among others:
- Team Paradies as the most active cycling team (km/cyclists),
- the Angergymnasium team as the largest team and also
- as the team with the most kilometers cycled.

Most active schools

In addition, the most active schools with the most active participants (as a percentage of the total number of students) received a donation for their booster clubs. Angergymnasium received 300 euros for first place, Otto-Schott-Gymnasium 200 euros for second place and Carl-Zeiss-Gymnasium Jena 100 euros for third place.
