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Benefit concert for the victims of the flood disaster


On the initiative of the Evangelical Lutheran Church District of Jena, the City of Jena and JenaKultur are planning a benefit concert. The entrance fees for the concert of the Jena Philharmonic Orchestra, which will take place on 24 July at the Kulturarena, will be rededicated in favour of the victims of the flood disaster.

Mayor Dr. Thomas Nitzsche says: "The pictures from Rhineland-Palatinate and North Rhine-Westphalia and meanwhile also from Saxony and Bavaria are disturbing and make us deeply concerned. Now every help and financial support counts. With the fundraising from Jena, we want to make a contribution - knowing full well that it can only be a small contribution given the scale of the disaster."

Buy a ticket for the Kulturarena and donate

By buying a ticket for the concert of the Jena Philharmonic Orchestra at the Kulturarena on Saturday, 24.07.2021, 8 pm, the people of Jena can also participate in the fundraising. In the advance sale a ticket costs 12 euros, at the box office 17 euros.

The deputy JenaKultur plant manager Carsten Müller says: " We have already organized a benefit concert in 2002 to support those affected by the Elbe flood and also used the Kulturarena as a platform for charitable actions in the following years. Against this background it was important for us to support with our possibilities also in this situation. The proceeds of the concert, together with the money collected by the Evangelical Lutheran Church District, will be transferred to "Aktion Deutschland hilft". At the same time, we would like to motivate other people and institutions in Jena to also donate to the victims of this disaster."

In addition to the entrance fees for the concert, direct donations can be made to the following account of the Evangelical Lutheran Church District of Jena, which will be transferred to "Aktion Deutschland hilft":

Ev. Lutheran Church District Jena
Savings Bank Jena
IBAN: DE81 8305 3030 0000 0642 38
Intended purpose: flood relief

In addition, during the entire Kulturarena concerts, further donations will be solicited.

Superintendent Sebastian Neuß of the Evangelical Lutheran Church District of the City of Jena says: "It is now very important to provide fast and unbureaucratic help for the people affected. By joining forces with the city, JenaKultur and our church organization, we hope for a broad participation of the people of Jena."

Sending a hopeful greeting with summery sounds

"Folk Classics" is the motto of the concert of the Jena Philharmonic Orchestra under the musical direction of its general music director Simon Gaudenz on the Theatervorplatz. The cultural arena audience can look forward to melodies and rhythms from all over the world on this evening.

Simon Gaudenz says: "It is important to the Jena Philharmonic Orchestra to be part of this event. Our concert programme stands for joie de vivre and hope. And above all it should send a message: We think of you and help, with the means at our disposal."