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Call for applications: Dexel scholarship holder 2019 wanted


Walter Dexel (1890 to 1973) - painter, commercial artist, designer, traffic planner and publicist - gave important impetus to the development of art in the 20th century. In Jena in particular, where he worked for many years, he also promoted modern artists and their works through exhibitions, purchases and publications. His influence on the acceptance of modern art and the further development of regional cultural life remains undisputed to this day.

For this reason, the City of Light Jena and Jenaer Stadtwerke have been awarding the Walter Dexel Scholarship, endowed with 5,000 euros, every year since 1997.

Proposals from regional artists can be submitted by the public until September 30, 2019 . The explanatory text should be at least one page long and not exceed three pages.

By post: JenaKultur, Knebelstraße 10, 07743 Jena

By fax: +49 3641 49-8005

By e-mail: jenakultur@jena.de(link sends email)

The jury - consisting of Lord Mayor Dr. Thomas Nitzsche, General Music Director of the Jena Philharmonic Orchestra Simon Gaudenz, Head of the Jena Art Collection Erik Stephan, the yet to be elected Chairperson of the Cultural Committee of the Jena City Council, Works Manager of JenaKultur Jonas Zipf, Honorary Chairperson of Lesezeichen e.V. Dr. Martin Straub and Head of Corporate Communications at Stadtwerke Energie Jena-Pößneck GmbH Stefan Dreising - will also submit their own proposals and decide in the autumn who will be awarded the 2019 Dexel Scholarship.

The scholarship is expected to be awarded at a ceremony at the end of the year. Further information will follow.

We would like to thank Stadtwerke Energie Jena-Pößneck for providing the funds.

Previous Walter Dexel scholarship holders:

1997 Einhard Hopfe | 1998 Ines Eck | 1999 Klaus Wegener | 2000 Anne Günther | 2001 Manuela Schwarz | 2002 Martin Neubert | 2003 Jan Volker Röhnert | 2004 Uwe Germar | 2005 Sarah Jasinszczak | 2006 Gerlinde Böhnisch-Metzmacher | 2007 Martin Stiebert | 2008 Robert Seidel | 2009 Amira Shemeis | 2010 Jana Gunstheimer | 2011 Robert Krainhöfner | 2012 Romina Voigt / Moritz Gause | 2013 Friedemann Ziepert | 2014 Sebastian Jung | 2015 Thomas Sperling | 2016 Antje Horn | 2017 Thomas Eckardt | 2018 Maximilian Lörzer

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