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Central initial reception center for refugees established


Currently are 850 Gefleteete from Ukraine arrived in Jena. Of these 750 people in apartments or with private hosts. 100 are accommodated in shared accommodation. The following persons have been registered so far 756 persons. 700 of the registered persons have already been registered in the Central Register of Foreigners at the Foreigners' Registration Office. Of the persons registered so far, there are 90 children under the age of 6, 190 children aged 6-18, 390 people between the ages oftween 18-60 years and 90 persons over the age of 60.

Initial receptionoffice for refugees in Jena

Refugees arriving in Jena and in need of shelter should first report to the gymnasium at the Galileoschule, Oßmaritzer Straße 12, 07745 Jena. The gymnasium has been prepared as an emergency shelter in the past few days and is now ready as an initial reception center. Ukrainian refugees are allowed to use buses and trains free of charge for the time being. They only need to show a passport or other identification. With the streetcar line 2 and bus line 12 to the Winzerla stop.

Raising awareness about sirens in the city area

Refugees from war zones may be particularly sensitive to siren sounds, as they can be mistaken for air raid alerts. Unter www.jena.de/ukraine(link is external) information is therefore provided on possible siren sounds in the city. given.

Sirens are distributed throughout the city of Jena and are triggered when the city's volunteer fire department is called out. A single signal consisting of three rising and falling tones is then sounded. There is no "all-clear" signal, as is the case with air alarms in war zones. In addition, once a month, on the first Saturday of each month, a test signal is sounded at 12:00 noon (short siren blast for about 3 seconds). Therefore, there is no immediate danger to the public when a siren sounds.

Putting names of fellow residents on mailboxes

Anyone who has taken in refugees privately should also affix their names to the mailbox. With notification and registration with the city, other important documents , e.g. for health insurance or tax ID, are sent by mail and must be delivered. If refugees change their place of residence again, the new address should also be reported to the Citizens' Service Center so that documents can continue to be delivered.

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