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CITY CYCLING 2024: Together for a bicycle-friendly Jena


From 30.08. to 19.09.2024 Jena will be pedaling hard again! The 13th Jena CITY CYCLING is calling on all citizens to switch from car to bike as often as possible and collect kilometers. Whether for business or pleasure, the main thing is to cycle CO2-free for a city worth living in, the promotion of cycling and climate protection.

CITY CYCLING - what it's all about

CITY CYCLING is an international competition in which the aim is to cycle as many everyday journeys as possible in a climate-friendly way for 21 days for your own municipality. It doesn't matter whether you already cycle every day or only rarely get on your bike. Every kilometer counts, especially if it would otherwise have been covered by car. The idea behind it: To get people excited about the benefits of cycling by giving it a try themselves for three weeks.

The Jena CITY CYCLING event

The city of Jena has been organizing CITY CYCLING since 2012 and has been pleased with the increasing number of participants ever since. Anyone who lives, works, belongs to a club or attends a (high) school in the city can take part.

"CITY CYCLING is a highlight for Jena every year. I am delighted to see how many people we can mobilize to get involved in climate protection and cycling promotion. Last year, Jena achieved second place in the Thuringia-wide comparison. Of course, it would be great if we could top that this year and come first. We are therefore hoping for a particularly large number of participants, and I myself will of course also be taking part," says Lord Mayor Thomas Nitzsche, calling for registration.

The main sponsor this year is Jena-based asphericon GmbH for the third time in a row.

"We are grateful to be able to organize this very special event together with the city of Jena. In addition to the active participation of our own team, we are delighted with the interest that people of all ages have shown in cycling in recent years. We are hoping for new record numbers," says asphericon Managing Director Sven Kiontke.

Important information and registration 2024

Registration for CITY CYCLING is free and can be done online at stadtradeln.de/jena. After registering, you can join an existing team or set up your own team. In the period from August 30 to September 19, the kilometers covered can either be entered online or tracked using the CITY CYCLING app. All kilometers must be recorded in the online kilometer book by September 26.

Prizes and awards

This year, there will once again be trophies for the most active cyclists (km/cyclists), the largest teams and the teams with the most kilometers cycled (places 1-3). The most cycling-active registered clubs (e.V.) with the most kilometers per participant will be awarded prize money for the first time:

  1. 1st place: 300 €
  2. 2nd place: 200 €
  3. 1st place: 100 €

Note: The cycling club team must consist of at least five people.


The Thuringian SCHOOL CYCLING event is being organized for the second time. In the Thuringia-wide school ranking, there are prizes for the school classes with the most kilometers cycled, the most kilometers per capita and the most active participants (as a percentage). In addition, the Working Group of Bicycle-Friendly Municipalities (AGFK) Thuringia is giving away two special prizes of 400 euros each among all participating schools. Further information can be found at stadtradeln.de/schulradeln-thueringen.

Kick-off tour to the monastery church in Thalbürgel on 31.08.2024

The CITY CYCLING kick-off tour in 2024 will take you 13 kilometers along the church cycle path to Thalbürgel for a guided tour of the monastery church. After the tour, the route continues along the Thuringian Mill Cycle Path to the "Zum Stern" inn in Graitschen, where participants can enjoy some refreshments.

The meeting point for the tour is on Saturday, 31.08.2024, at 13:00 at the Landfeste Jena (west side of the Camsdorf Bridge). Admission and the guided tour are free of charge for participants of the kick-off tour. The return journey to Jena will be made individually. Please register in advance at stadtradeln@jena.de.

Further information on the kick-off tour and CITY CYCLING in general can be found at stadtradeln.de/jena.
