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"Construction Site Open Day"


Head of Social Affairs Eberhard Hertzsch visited the participation center "Gut Miteinander" in Lobeda East on June 15, 2022. The foundation Aktion Wandlungswelten had invited to a donation handover and a day of getting to know each other at the "open building site" in Erlanger Allee 108. On this occasion, the two managing directors of Aktion Wandlungswelten, Jana Neukirchner and Steffen Schneider, thanked the foundation for its professional support, which enables Jena's social structure to offer great diversity.

Eberhard Hertzsch returned this thanks:

"What is being created here - a flexible living concept of apartments in a residential community network - is a novelty for our city."

Mr. Bramey symbolically presented a clef to SensBramey GmbH for a donation of 1,500 euros. It stands for the new piano, which will find its place in the culture room of the "Teilhabezentrum". The residents and their neighbors will be able to enjoy life and connect with each other while singing together.

At the subsequent "Construction Site Open Day", there was a large turnout of people interested in the apartments as well as specialists and nursing staff. The managing directors of Aktion Wandlungswelten summed up:

"The visitors were impressed and we by the openness and the good conversations with them. When the GUT opens after the summer, many apartments in the assisted living communities will already be rented out. But there are still places available - also in the care and nursing teams."

The "Gut Miteinander" community center offers space for around 68 residents. There are six shared apartments (WGs) with four apartments each for over 55-year-olds with care, three WGs with eight apartments each for mentally ill people in need of care, and five generational apartments for families, especially with grandparents. In addition, it offers day-structuring services for people in need of care. The center is scheduled to open in September of this year.

Further information on the new participation center can be found on the association's website: http://wandlungswelten.de/de/wohnen/teilhabezentrum-das-gut.html

Das neue Gebäude des Teilhabezentrums "Gut Miteinander" kann im Herbst 2022 bezogen werden