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Cooperative planning phase of Jena's sports development planning launched


Last weekend, representatives of various stakeholders from all areas of sport in Jena came together to discuss the results of the survey on sports development planning. These have been available since mid-March. An extensive survey was carried out to find out more about the sporting behavior of Jena's residents and the perspective of sports clubs and schools - among other things, 10,000 randomly selected people were contacted.
The Institute for Cooperative Planning and Sports Development (IKPS) introduced the cooperative planning phase and presented the initial results to the participants during the workshop. The institutions involved were representatives from the city sports association, sports clubs, the city administration, Jena Municipal Real Estate, the Jena Alliance for Families, the senior citizens' advisory council and the sports high school.

Strengths and weaknesses of the sports landscape analyzed

In the first part of the two-day workshop, strengths and weaknesses of the sports landscape in Jena were identified and a vision for the future was developed. "Sport in Jena 2035" was developed by the participants. It became clear that the city of Jena has implemented many infrastructure measures in recent years, that the degree of implementation of the last sports development plan is very high and that there is therefore a good current situation on which to build.
On the second day of the kick-off workshop, the IKPS presented the assessment of sports halls and areas in Jena. Several small groups then discussed various focal points for the further development of the sports facilities, outdoor facilities and future focal points of the offer. The first topic area included the covered sports facilities with an assessment of the current status, the necessary structural measures to be derived and the optimization of hall occupancy. In the afternoon, the topics of outdoor sports facilities, recreational sports areas, local sports facilities and school playgrounds were discussed. The exchange was very lively and a large number of challenges were identified, as well as measures that have already been considered.

"A municipality's sports development planning should not just be discussed in private and driven forward by the administration alone. From the outset, our declared aim was to ensure that the process was subject to extensive participation, to put it on a broad footing in order to be able to derive realistic assumptions and concrete measures for the future of sport in Jena and to achieve a broad consensus among those involved",

is how Benjamin Koppe, head of the sports department, summarizes the expectations of Jena's sports development planning and the current cooperative phase.

The first workshop phase will be documented and evaluated by the IKPS before two further workshops are held in June on the topics of club, offer and organizational development as well as the prioritization of recommendations for action and measures.

Teilnehmende des 1. Workshops zur Sportentwicklungsplanung.