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Corona situation picture Jena: 100 new cases for two days


The specialist health service reported 100 new infections with the SARS-CoV-2 virus to the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) on Monday, 9 November. 56 of them were assigned to the last 24 hours, 44 to Monday.

Situation in retirement homes

As a result of the outbreak of the SARS-CoV-2 virus in a retirement home, two residents have died. One person was over 85 years old and another over 65 years old. Both had pre-existing conditions.

Swabs are being taken today at another retirement home as a result of a positive case.

Affected facilities

The following facilities have been affected by infections and quarantine measures: Gemeinschaftsschule Wenigenjena, Saaletalschule, Schillerschule, Nordschule, Lobdeburgschule, Kita Janusz Korczak, Kita Arche Noah and the Kita Wirbelwind.

Jena statistics from 09.11.2021 (according to RKI 24 o'clock)

  • Number of active cases: 674
  • thereof in the last 24 h: 56 (+44 for Monday)
  • inpatient cases: 13
  • thereof in intensive care: 2
  • hospitalization incidence: 2,7
  • Percentage ITS occupancy (Thuringia-wide): 20.6%
  • Infections of the last seven days: 355 (previous day: 333)
  • Current seven-day incidence for Jena: 320.6 (yesterday: 300.7; day before: 317.9)
  • Total infected since 2020-03-14: 5,758
  • Deceased in total: 87
  • Total recovered: 4,997 (+ 40)
  • According to the Thuringian early warning system, warning level 3 applies to Jena.