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Corona situation picture for Jena


There were 16 new SARS-CoV-2 infections reported to the Health Specialist Service on Thursday 25/03/2021 (by midnight).

Unfortunately, another person died in connection with the Covid19 disease.

18 people were considered recovered.

The infections occurred through contact with people who were already infected...mainly in the family environment.

In one social institution, extensive quarantine measures had to be pronounced following the positive report of a resident.

At one school, too, a class is in quarantine after a child tested positive.

The Jena statistics from 25.03.2021 (24 o'clock)

  • Number of active cases: 231
  • thereof in the last 24 hours: 16
  • inpatient cases: 6
  • thereof severe courses: 2
  • Infections in the last seven days: 79
  • Seven-day incidence for Jena: 73.1
  • Total infected since 14.03.2020: 3,182
  • Total number of deaths: 62
  • Total recovered: 2,889
  • thereof in the last 24 hours: 18
  • Quarantine number (as of 22.03.2021): 652