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Corona situation picture Jena: 120 new cases


On Thursday, 11 November, the Health Department reported 120 new infections with the SARS-CoV-2 virus to the Robert Koch Institute (RKI).

Due to the tight staffing situation in the Health Department, not all cases could be entered into the system. Therefore, the real number of cases is over 200 and the real 7-day incidence is over 420.

Since Friday, support from the German Armed Forces has again been available to the specialist health service. The deployment of 3 soldiers has been approved for two weeks. Furthermore, the crisis team is trying to get help from the Bundeswehr for the medical and nursing sector.

Situation in institutions

The outbreak in a home for the elderly has led to further infections within the facility. More than 60 people have now been infected with the coronavirus there, and there have also been further deaths as a result of infection with the SARS-CoV-2 virus. These will be recorded in the statistics in the coming days.

Infections have occurred in the followingdaycare centers and schools:
Kita Fantasia, Kita Pi mal Daumen, Kita Arche Noah, Kita Schatzinsel, Kita Knirpsenland,
Community School Wenigenjena, Kaleidoscope School, IGS Grete Unrein, Leonardo School...

Jena statistics from 11.11.2021 (according to RKI 24 o'clock)

  • Number of active cases: 770
  • thereof in the last 24 h: 120
  • inpatient cases: 19
  • thereof in intensive care: 3
  • hospitalization incidence: 3,6
  • Percentage ITS occupancy (Thuringia-wide, as of 10.11.): 24.7%
  • Infections of the last seven days: 390 (previous day: 335)
  • Current seven-day incidence for Jena: 352.2 (yesterday: 302.5; day before: 320.6)
  • Total infected since 2020-03-14: 5,921
  • Deceased in total: 87
  • Total recovered: 5,064 (+ 27)
  • According to the Thuringian early warning system, warning level 3 is in effect for Jena.