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Corona situation picture for Jena


New SARS-CoV-2 virus infections were reported to the Health Service by Friday evening (as of 24:00) 20 25 People could be classified as having recovered.
Unfortunately there was also another death. In Jena 7 persons died as a result of the corona disease.

Infection incidence at schools and daycare centres in Jena

Other infections have occurred in schools, among other places. Following the investigations now completed by the team from the Health Department, individual classes at the following schools are under quarantine:

  • Schiller School (2 classes)
  • Heinrich-Heine-Grundschule (another learning house with a total of 4 classes)
  • Otto-Schott-Gymnasium (several classes)

Tips for testing at schools and day care centres

Due to the increased incidence of infections in schools and day-care centres, we are currently receiving many queries about the testing procedure.

With the resolutions of the conference of prime ministers a change was announced, which provides that with tests after 5 days a quarantine period can be shortened accordingly. At present, this is an announcement and therefore only applies once a corresponding bill has been passed.

For the Specialist Health Service, the guidelines of the Robert Koch Institute, according to which a quarantine period of 14 days applies to Category I contact persons, are therefore still decisive. It is also the case that, due to the large number of schools and kindergartens affected, it is currently no longer possible to provide a test for all those affected in quarantine.

The Specialist Health Service currently only tests those affected in schools and day-care centres when it is necessary to uncover clusters. For example, if children, pupils or teachers have been in the facility for several days with Covid-19 symptoms or have worked for several days before they have undergone a test.

In this context we would like to point out once again that people with cold symptoms - whether small or large - should stay at home.

The Jena statistics from Friday, 27.11.2020 (24 hrs)

  • Number of active cases: 204
  • of which in the last 24 hours: 20
  • inpatient cases: 9
  • thereof severe courses: 4
  • Infections of the last seven days: 119
  • Seven-day incidence for Jena: 110
  • Total number of infected persons since 14.03.2020: 762
  • Total number of deaths: 7
  • Total number of convalescents: 551
  • of which in the last 24 hours: 25
  • Persons in quarantine (as of 26.11.2020): 1770