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Corona situation picture in Jena


Dn November 16 (as of 24:00 hrs), 21 new SARS-CoV-2 infections were reported to the Health Service. The 7-day incidence thus rises just over 100 infections per 100,000 inhabitants within the last 7 days.

Infection incidence in nursing homes

14 of these cases became known from the Luisenhaus nursing home. Currently 16 residents and one member of staff are affected. Currently, the majority of the persons are asymptomatic. All cases can be assigned to a residential area which the specialist health service has already completely removed and quarantined.

Lord Mayor Thomas Nitzsche on the current situation: "These are worrying developments, because unfortunately the corona virus has now reached the population group in Jena that is particularly at risk - the elderly and the sick. Our sympathy goes to the nursing staff and residents of the home as well as to the relatives who are currently not allowed to visit their loved ones.

The Specialist Service Health is in close contact with the home management and is also working together with the University Hospital on further precautions.

The Jena statistics from Monday, November 16, 2020:

  • Number of active cases: 146
  • of which in the last 24 hours: 21
  • thereof stationary: 6
  • severe courses: 2
  • Infections in the last seven days: 109
  • Seven-day incidence for Jena: 100.7
  • Total number of infected persons since 14.03.2020: 577
  • Total number of deaths: 5
  • Total convalescence: 426
  • thereof in the last 24 hours: 13