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Corona situation picture Jena: 37 new infections


The specialist health service reported 37 new infections with the SARS-CoV-2 virus to the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) on Monday, 6 December.

A further 87 cases were received by the RKI after the reporting deadline and will be shown in the statistics tomorrow.

About 600 cases have been reported statistically but not identified. As a result, many quarantine notices have not yet been sent out. Here the health department asks again for patience, a solution is being worked on.

Two deaths

Two more deaths have been reported. One person lived in the Vitanas senior citizens' home, she had been vaccinated twice, the other person died at home, here the vaccination status could not be clarified.

Facilities affected by new infections and subsequent cases

Infections or subsequent cases have occurred in the following day-care centres and schools:
Kita Kernbergzwerge, Kita Jona und Joni, Kita Frechdachs, Kita Marie Juchacz, Kita Am Steiger, Kita Löbstedter Grashüpfer.
Galileo School, Heinrich Heine School, Leonardo School, Abbegymnasium, Trießnitz School, Rautal School, Schiller School, Tal School, Lobdeburg School

Jena statistics from 06.12.2021 (according to RKI 24 o'clock)

  • Number of active cases: 2,374
  • thereof in the past 24 h: 32
  • inpatient cases: 23
  • thereof in intensive care: 5
  • hospitalization incidence: 2,7
  • Percentage of ITS occupancy (Thuringia-wide): 35.5
  • Infections of the last seven days: 814 (previous day: 866)
  • Current seven-day incidence for Jena: 735.1 (yesterday: 782.1 day before yesterday: 783.9)
  • Total infected since 2020/03/14: 8,253
  • Deceased in total: 102 (+2)
  • Total recovered: 5,777 (+58)
  • According to the Thuringian early warning system, warning level 3 applies to Jena.