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Corona situation picture for Jena


There were 24 new SARS-CoV-2 infections reported to the Health Department on Thursday, 2/18/2021 (by midnight), and 2 people have recovered.

This brings the 7-day incidence to 75.8.

Background on the new infections

An outbreak has been reported at a nursing home, and the entire facility will be tested on Monday.

Also a day care center is affected by an infection. Here a learning group had to be sent to quarantine.

Further cases are spread over various individual incidents.

Further information about the infection

So far, 27 viral mutations have been typed, which means the detection of an altered variant of the SARS-CoV-2 virus. 6 British and 5 South African mutations have currently been identified in Jena by the more lengthy sequencing.

Since the beginning of the year, a total of 18 facilities/groups have been affected by quarantine measures in emergency care status in schools and day-care centres due to one positive case in each of the facilities. Approximately half of the cases were distributed among pupils and half among pedagogical staff.

Infections in the professional environment also occur again and again. The spread of the virus is very often due to breaks spent together. In this context, the Health Department appeals to all employees to observe contact limits and distance regulations in their working environment.

As of the end of this week, vaccinations have been carried out in 12 of 13 Jena nursing homes by the mobile vaccination team of the Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians. The second vaccinations are running according to plan in the facilities.

The Jena statistics from 18.02.2021 (24 o'clock)

- Number of active cases: 223
- thereof in the last 24 hours: 24

- inpatient cases: 17
- thereof severe courses: 4

- Infections in the last seven days: 82
- Seven-day incidence for Jena: 75.8

- Total infected since 14.03.2020: 2,824
- Total number of deaths: 57

- Total recovered: 2,544
- thereof in the last 24 hours: 2

- Quarantine number (as of 16.02.2021): 676