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Current situation on the arrival of refugees


861 refugees have arrived in Jena (as of 1.4.2022). Compared to the previous week, this is only a slight increase, but there was also fluctuation within the week, because some people were only in Jena for transit.

Of the people registered so far, 90 are children under the age of 6, 190 are children between the ages of 6-18, 460 are between the ages of 18-60, and 100 are over the age of 60.

8 children have already been registered and arrived in daycare centers in Jena, and a place has been booked for another 16 children during the month of April. 56 children have already been accepted in Jena schools.

Information about the accommodation

There are currently 30 people accommodated in the initial reception center of the Galileo School gymnasium. There are currently only a few people in the gymnasium in Emil Wölk-Straße. About 750 people are accommodated privately, about 80 people are in shared accommodations of the city, including the school hostel Stern. Furthermore, no bus transfers via the state of Thuringia to Jena have taken place so far.

Donation campaign by Kommunalservice Jena: furniture and other household items needed

Furniture donations are still needed to equip the shared accommodation in Juri-Gagarin-Straße. After the first appeal, the first furniture could already be received thanks to committed citizens. The furniture donations are intended to make it possible for the first refugees to move in as soon as possible.

  • Over the call number 03641 4989-511 of the KSJ the furniture donations are to be announced in advance.
  • Until Saturday, April 2, an employee of the KSJ will accept usable furniture at Juri-Gagarin-Strasse 32, 07743 Jena, between 13:00 and 16:00.
  • Furniture can also be dropped off Monday through Friday during regular opening hours at the KSJ recycling center, Löbstedter Straße 56, 07743 Jena.

In addition to furniture, donations of household items and electrical appliances will continue to be accepted. The donations already received in large numbers have to a large extent already been placed in accommodation.

Notes on registration and the work of the Citizens' Service Center

Until 31.03.2022 861 refugees from Ukraine have been registered in Jena. Appointments at the Citizens' Service Jena have been and will continue to be made mainly by telephone via the Citizens' Service hotline. In this context, all necessary processes and procedures are explained to the callers. If possible, appointments are made on the same day or for a subsequent day. To this end, time reserves have been organized internally for these priority processing tasks. An online appointment system is also available.

Thanks to the many years of experience of the Citizens' Service Center, there have been and will be no queues in or outside the building. The competent staff always ensures that applications are processed quickly and on time. Interpreters are on site to simplify the registration process and provide clear and unambiguous information to the refugees.

Registration at the registration office has already been completed for 95% of all refugees who have arrived and are living in Jena.

In addition to the on-site appointment business, there is a broad-based exchange of information between all involved areas of the Jena city administration. Registration processes can also be initiated and carried out without delay via this channel. Sometimes there is no need for personal visits to the citizens' service center if the necessary steps have already been clarified in advance in a shared accommodation.

The identical procedure applies to subsequent future relocations within Jena.