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Dr. Thomas Ganz is the new Managing Director of TIP Jena GmbH


Dr. Thomas Ganz has been the new Managing Director of the Technology and Innovation Park Jena (TiP) since 01.07.2024. He received his doctorate in physics from the current Nobel Prize winner Prof. Dr. Ferenc Krausz in Munich and began his professional career in 2011 at Femtolasers Produktions GmbH in Vienna. In 2015, the Swiss native moved to Jena and worked at Jenoptik Optical Systems GmbH, most recently as Manager Supply Chain of the Optics plant and in an additional function as Deputy Plant Manager. During his career, he has held various positions in research and development, sales and production and has a broad range of experience and expertise in the technology industry. Dr. Ganz is very much looking forward to the new challenge and to strengthening the business location in cooperation with the founders, the city of Jena and the Jena Economic Development Corporation (JenaWirtschaft): True to the motto "Founder spirit creates economic strength!".

Lord Mayor Dr. Thomas Nitzsche says: "I am delighted that we have been able to recruit an experienced manager for the Centre for Innovative Start-ups in the Jena Technology Region, who is firmly rooted in Jena and also knows the local technology sector inside out. After the abrupt change in management in March, this combination of experience, expertise and knowledge of the local industry is a real stroke of luck."

Handover period with Beate Wachenbrunner

Beate Wachenbrunner will remain Interim Managing Director until 31.08.2024 in order to seamlessly and stringently continue the diverse areas of responsibility, in particular the new construction of the Lab2Fab building, and also in view of the vacation period. The plant manager of Eigenbetrieb Kommunale Immobilien Jena (KIJ) has held this position since 12.03.2024.

Dr. Thomas Ganz steht vor dem Gebäude des Technologie- und Innovationsparks Jena
Dr. Thomas Ganz