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Election of new department heads


Lord Mayor Dr. Thomas Nitzsche presented his proposals to the main committee yesterday after receiving 19 applications for the appointment of aldermen. At its meeting on 18.9.2024, the City Council will vote on the candidates in a secret ballot.

According to the results, Benjamin Koppe is to remain Head of Finance, Security and Citizen Services and also take on the office of Mayor. Kathleen Lützkendorf is to become Head of Social Affairs, Health, Climate and Immigration and Johannes Schleußner Head of Youth, Education, Culture and Sport. The team of aldermen will be completed by Dirk Lange, who is not a member of the party and was previously Head of Central Process and Project Management at the City of Jena, who will be proposed for the Department of Urban Development and Environment.

Lord Mayor Dr. Thomas Nitzsche explains his proposals:

"The past six years have shown that a team at the top of the city that brings municipal policy experience on the one hand and administrative experience to the job on the other can be particularly successful for Jena. One of the reasons why we have been able to move Jena forward so well in the past term of office is that our cooperation was characterized by a high level of mutual trust. I am convinced that the new team will succeed in doing the same. I would also like to take this opportunity to express my special thanks to Mayor Gerlitz, who has worked with the greatest possible commitment over the past six years for the benefit and success of the city of Jena and has driven forward an almost unimaginable number of important urban development projects. His imminent departure at the end of his term of office is a great loss for the city administration, even though I am convinced that he will also do a lot of good for Jena in his future position. For this very reason, I am pleased to be able to propose an alderman in urban development who knows this area well and will stand for a high degree of continuity in the projects for which Mayor Gerlitz is responsible."

The reasons at a glance:

Benjamin Koppe was already Head of Finance, Security and Citizen Services in the previous legislature. He knows the administrative processes very well, has managed the department in a very mediating manner both internally and externally and has always kept an eye on the finances, even in areas of conflict. Mr. Koppe's appointment to the department will provide continuity for what has already been a very trusting working relationship. He is also to be given the office of mayor and will therefore take on the role of first deputy mayor in future.

Kathleen Lützkendorf brings a very good mix of practical experience in the field from her previous professional career, especially as a youth social worker, as well as in the political administration sector as an advisor to a state parliamentary group and as an employee in the Ministry of Migration. She has been involved in local politics and administrative work in Jena for many years as a city councillor and district mayor of Jena Zentrum, as well as in her role as parliamentary group leader of her party

Johannes Schleußner is familiar with the organization and management of events from his work in the Evangelical Lutheran church district. His expertise in the cultural sector is also generally recognized. As a public relations officer, he is aware of the need to communicate decisions to the public in an effective and understandable way. He can also profitably contribute his political experience as head of a constituency office of a member of the state parliament and as a councillor to the management and organization of the city administration.

Dirk Lange began his work in the city administration as Head of Central Project Management. Prior to this, he was already a key driver and doer for the now successfully completed major project of the city of Jena through his involvement in the stadium project. Since joining the city administration, Dirk Lange has successfully coordinated numerous major projects for the city in close cooperation with Mayor Gerlitz and the Lord Mayor, including the ZEISS high-tech site at Westbahnhof. Other special projects, such as the city of Jena's application for the Future Center for German Unity and Transformation, were also developed by him with great commitment and drive. In addition, as CIO, Dirk Lange, together with KITT, the municipal enterprise assigned to Department 3, has already played a key role in shaping the City of Jena's IT and digitalization strategy and introducing project and process management standards.
