Electoral assistants wanted for the new Bundestag elections
Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier has approved the schedule for the new Bundestag elections. It is therefore realistic that the Bundestag will be re-elected on February 23, 2025. Around 1,200 electoral assistants are needed to ensure that this election can take place properly. Interested parties are cordially invited to register with the electoral authority of the city administration as soon as possible.
The prerequisite is that you are eligible to vote yourself. This means that election assistants for the Bundestag election must be at least 18 years old. They should also preferably live in the city of Jena. The tasks of an electoral board require a chairman and secretary, their deputies and assessors. Depending on the function, the amount of the refreshment allowance is between 90 and 60 euros. In order to obtain the necessary knowledge for the procedure on election day and the counting, online and face-to-face training courses are offered in advance.
There is an online form on the city's website jena.de/wahlhelfende where you can declare your willingness to volunteer directly. Here you can also express your wishes regarding the location and role on the electoral board. Voting takes place in 97 polling stations throughout the city. On election Sundays, there is a morning and an afternoon shift for the electoral board. Counting is then carried out by all members of the electoral board from 6.00 pm. Electoral boards must also be appointed for the city's 40 postal voting districts. Electoral assistants for postal voting will meet in the afternoon at the postal voting center in the Wenigenjena community school to prepare for the count, which will also begin at 6.00 pm.
Poll worker management
- Internet: https://service.jena.de/de/wahlhelferin-werden
- E-mail: wahlhelfende@jena.de(link sends email)
- Phone: 03641-49 4455