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Ernst Abbe Library awarded


On Tuesday, the Ernst Abbe Library in Jena became the first municipal institution to be awarded the "Interculturally Oriented" seal of approval.

Together with the Fachstelle für Interkulturelle Öffnung of the AWO Regionalverband Mitte-West-Thüringen, Lord Mayor Dr. Thomas Nitzsche honored the municipal library for its commitment and dedication to intercultural library work. Linked to the 360° - Fund for Cultures of the New Urban Society" program(link is external)which is funded by the German Federal Cultural Foundation, the process of intercultural opening has been steadily pursued over the past four years despite the challenges posed by the pandemic. For the Ernst Abbe Library, the award is not only the reward for the heart and soul that has been put into diversity sensitivity and intercultural library work in recent years, but also an incentive to continue to expand this work in the future. The new building of the Ernst Abbe Library offers the best opportunities for this.

With the certificate, the Ernst Abbe Library can now make it visible to all visitors that a diversity-sensitive attitude is a matter of course for it and that it is committed to diversity in all areas. As the award ceremony also marked the end of the "360 Degrees - Fund for Cultures of the New Urban Society" program of the German Federal Cultural Foundation, the event also saw the farewell of Dr. Rafael Silveira, the agent for diversity and intercultural library work.

Verleihung des Gütesiegels "interkulturell orientierte Einrichtung" für die Ernst-Abbe-Bücherei (von links nach rechts):  Agnes Steinmetzer (Fachstelle Interkulturelle Öffnung), Dörthe Thiele (Beauftragte für Migration und Integration), Katja Müller (Leiterin EAB), Dr. Thomas Nitzsche (OB), Jana Gründig (Werkleitung Jena-Kultur)
Verleihung des Gütesiegels "interkulturell orientierte Einrichtung" für die Ernst-Abbe-Bücherei (von links nach rechts): Agnes Steinmetzer (Fachstelle Interkul
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