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Evening situation from 02.04.2020


Current case numbers

  • 5 new cases, total: 133, inpatient stay: 4, severe course: 2
  • Total number of recoveries: 24
  • Total number of deaths: 1

Fever consultation and infection consultation

In the last few days there have been repeated requests for fever and infection consultations. Often both were confused or equated.
The fever consultation hour runs over the hotline of the city of Jena - 03641-49 3333 - and is carried out by the Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians. There you can get appointments for a test for the corona virus if there is a medical indication.
Patients who are suspected of being infected with the corona virus due to typical symptoms are treated in the infection consultation hour. Appointments for an infection consultation are arranged through the family doctor.

City equips nursing homes with medical protective equipment

All 12 nursing homes in Jena have been supplied with a delivery of masks and gloves today. All equipment comes from municipal stocks, not from the state of Thuringia.
The city of Jena continues to procure equipment to provide nursing homes, outpatient nursing services and therapists (physiotherapists, occupational therapists, etc.) with medical protective equipment.

Mouth and nose cover is additional protection

The public health department of the city of Jena has once again pointed out that wearing a mouth-nose cover provides additional protection. Hygiene rules, such as frequent hand washing (30 seconds, with soap) and a minimum distance of 1.5 metres must still be observed. The RKI now also recommends the precautionary wearing of a mouth-nose-cover, even if you do not show any symptoms yourself. This can reduce the risk of infecting another person by coughing, sneezing or breathing your own air when speaking.