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Evening situation from 12.05.2020


Corona case numbers

On Tuesday a new infection and a recovered person is to be reported.
159 corona cases in Jena, one person is undergoing inpatient treatment in the intensive care unit.
In total there were 3 deaths. 151 persons are considered recovered, so there are 5 active cases in Jena.

These figures reflect the cases of Jena's inhabitants.

More COVID patients are treated in the University Hospital Jena than listed here.
Also persons are treated who were taken over from other hospitals within Thuringia.

New Thuringian Ordinance on Corona Control

The state of Thuringia today announced the announced decree with many new regulations.

You can find the regulation here.

An explanation here.

The Jena staff for extraordinary events is intensively discussing the implementation of this regulation in Jena. In particular, the regulations for the catering trade and the day-care centers are being prepared. All efforts are directed towards the most comprehensive infection protection possible. Detailed information is expected on Wednesday.

International information on the municipal corona page

Since last week, the Jena migration advisory board has made information videos on corona rules available in 13 languages. These videos were produced in cooperation with JenaTV.

Of course, these articles only reflect the state of affairs at a certain point in time. Some of the provisions discussed in the film have already been repealed or will no longer be current in the next few days.

Therefore, the translation quality of the corona pages (jena.de/corona) has been extensively improved. The automatic translation service DeepL is now used. It is based on the use of artificial intelligence in order to better recognize and translate sentences. Corona information is currently available daily in 8 languages (English, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Dutch, Italian, Polish and Russian).