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First meeting of the special committee of the Jena City Council


Due to the special situation caused by the Corona crisis, the "Special Committee to Ensure the Capacity to Act of the City Council and its Committees" met for the first time today. This was formed by representatives of the city parliament. Lord Mayor Thomas Nitzsche had called the meeting. The meeting took place in the public baths in Jena, taking into account special hygiene regulations. These included a minimum distance of 1.5 metres and the obligatory covering of the mouth and nose. Furthermore, the committee only met for two hours.

Jens Thomas was elected chairman of the committee.

In addition to information on the current situation in Jena from the staff for extraordinary events, urgent bills were discussed and decided upon.

Here are the results of the public agenda items:

  • TOP 5: Final declaration on the procurement of tram vehicles
    (see submission of TO city council of 18.03.2020 TOP 12 - https://sessionnet.jena.de/sessionnet/buergerinfo/vo0050.php?__kvonr=10198oselect=10960)(link is external)
    by 10/0/0 the submission was recommended to the Lord Mayor for an urgent decision
  • Item 6: Resolution proposal Lord Mayor - supplement to the act of entrustment of Jenaer Nahverkehr GmbH/Electric Drive Systems-City Bus
    (see submission of TO city council of 18.03.2020 TOP 23 - https://sessionnet.jena.de/sessionnet/buergerinfo/vo0050.php?__kvonr=10188oselect=10960)(link is external)
    by 10/0/0 the submission was recommended to the Lord Mayor for an urgent decision
  • Item 7: Draft resolution Lord Mayor - Costs of accommodation - conclusive concept of appropriateness
    (Resubmission of the meeting of the city council of 19.02.2020 TOP 27 and TO city council 18.03.2020 TOP 11 - https://sessionnet.jena.de/sessionnet/buergerinfo/vo0050.php?__kvonr=10128oselect=10960)(link is external)
    Amendment by Mrs. Dr. Jonscher/ DIE LINKE of 03.03.2020 / 13.02.2020 was not confirmed with 2/8/0
    Supplementary motion of the FDP parliamentary group (Dr. Bartsch) of 03.03.2020 had been taken over by the administration in the Social Committee (and was withdrawn by the submitter)
    by 8/0/2 the submission was recommended to the Lord Mayor for an urgent decision
  • Item 10.1: Report on the financing of the independent executing agencies by Eberhard Hertzsch
    1. The city of Jena has an unbroken interest in being able to offer and provide social services according to the principle of subsidiarity. The providers of these services are an indispensable factor in fulfilling the legal mandate and shaping the social framework of our city. In mutual trust in jointly overcoming the current crisis, we want to support each other in the goal of surviving this crisis unscathed.
    2. In order to ensure the capacity to act and the liquidity of the executing agencies, the financing of the city for the executing agencies of the agreed services for the months of March and April will first be provided in equivalence to the previous months.
    3. For their part, the sponsors present the current status of their possibilities for providing services within the framework of the existing general rulings on the Corona crisis, particularly with regard to the deployment of personnel. The institutions will endeavour to make these presentations available at the latest by the beginning of the 15th week. They are to be sent to the respective competent specialist services.
    4. The city of Jena will do everything possible for the not yet foreseeable period from May onwards to find and implement the financially most favourable solution for the cooperation of the city and the responsible bodies with the participation of the state and the federal government, while respecting the principle according to number 1.
    5. For their part, the owners will use all the possibilities offered by the state and federal government to keep costs as low as possible during the current crisis. For their part, they are prepared to inform the city about their approach in a transparent manner.

The next meeting of the Committee shall be held on Wednesday 22 April 2020.

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