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Further traffic relief through traffic changes at Löbdergraben


In order to alleviate the high traffic load on the streets "Am Eisenbahndamm" and "Am Anger" between Fischergasse and Angerkreuzung and to relieve Steinweg of through traffic, the northbound tram/bus stop (Universität stop) at Löbdergraben was opened to car traffic on 16.05.2024.

Significant speed restrictions (10 km/h) are in place to ensure the safety of pedestrians and cyclists in the area. The city has announced that it will enforce these speed limits. At Lutherplatz, it is only possible to turn left and not drive straight ahead. Trucks are not allowed to drive through.

It is assumed that the new traffic routing will further ease the tense traffic situation and also improve conditions for emergency vehicles and the fire department. It is also expected that the streetcars to Jena-Ost in Steinweg will make better progress towards Camsdorfer Brücke.

The city will closely monitor traffic safety in the area and the impact on tram/bus traffic and adjust the arrangement if necessary.

Another building block for traffic relief

At the beginning of the week, the city of Jena had already announced further road traffic optimization measures to mitigate the traffic restrictions caused by the current high number of roadworks in the city. For example, Erbertstraße was reopened to traffic as an access route to Ernst-Haeckel-Straße. Changes to the traffic lights at Engelplatz also ensured a faster flow of traffic from Grietgasse. The improvement at Löbdergraben is a further element of the traffic relief, which has already been coordinated with the responsible departments for some time. The city of Jena will continue to examine further measures to ease the current tense traffic situation in the city for motorists.
