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Jena and the NSU Complex


Ten years after the so-called "National Socialist Underground" (NSU) became publicly known, many questions remain open, many wounds have no prospect of healing.Themain perpetratorscamefrom here and it is time to intensifythe urban social confrontation with right-wing terror, racism, discrimination and the threat to those who think differently. It is time to make the victims and those affected more visible. It is time tohonour and strengthenthem in their fight against the causes of exclusion, hatred and violence alongsidevarious citizens' initiatives.

On the initiative of JenaKultur, the city of Jena, the Friedrich Schiller University of Jena and the Institute for Civil Society and Democracy, the historical roots are being reappraised in several stages., questions are asked, perspectives will be opened.

On Wednesday, the program will be opened with the participation of many initiators as well as actors will be presented. The complete overview of all points will be created successively on the project page: www.kein-schlussstrich-jena.de


In a press conference we will present planned points of the Jena programme.

Wednesday, June 2nd, 14.00, Livestream

The press conference will be streamedlive on the project page http://kein-schlussstrich-jena.de.


Give impulses:

  • Dr. Thomas Nitzsche, Lord Mayor of the City of Jena
  • Jonas Zipf, plant managerJenaKultur
  • Prof. Dr. Walter Rosenthal, President of the Friedrich Schiller University Jena
  • Dr. Axel Salheiser, Consultant at the Institute for Democracy and Civil Society

Various items on the programme will then be introduced by statements from representatives of the institutions.