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Jena celebrates "10th Diversity Day


On May 31, the German Diversity Day will take place for the 10th time. Jena has been participating since 2013 and this year is celebrating the diversity of its residents with a citywide day of action under the motto "Diversity connects" with around 20 actors from Jena's integration landscape. With numerous information booths in the city center, activities and a demonstration march through Jena's city center, participants will be offered a varied program.

"Jena is colorful and diverse - and on Diversity Day, we want to once again set an example for more diversity and against discrimination and exclusion. Action days like these help to raise awareness of this important issue. But our claim is that we live diversity every day," says Mayor Dr. Thomas Nitzsche, emphasizing that important steps have already been taken with initiatives such as the anti-discrimination office, the 10-point plan against racism and the prize for civil courage. "The fact that we can always rely on a broad and diverse network of partners in civil society makes us very proud as a city. That is what makes and promotes the diversity of Jena," said Nitzsche.

Action booths of Jena institutions

Diversity should be lived in the most diverse realities of life and be reflected in all aspects of life, be it in the family and social environment, be it in leisure time or profession. Jena's institutions are promoting this at their campaign stands. This year, a multi-part and decentralized rally is planned, Maria Brückner, Fachstelle Interkulturelle Öffnung des AWO Regionalverbands Mitte-West-Thüringen e.V., describes the concept of the day of action. "Together with Jena initiatives and associations, we invite people to talk about their own attitudes and privileges and want to set a positive sign for diversity. For this we stand with action stands from the Holzmarkt, over the Johannistor, along the city church and on the market." From 17:00 to 18:00 o'clock a demonstration takes place finally by the Jenaer city center, with which all action conditions are run off. "Meeting point and start of the walk is the Holzmarkt. We are looking forward to numerous participants," Brückner invites all interested parties to the parade.

The range of participating institutions successfully reflects the theme of diversity: there are counseling institutions that advocate for migrants, inclusion and against disadvantage, associations for young and old, organizations that provide information on leisure but also on the professional context. From sports activities to handicrafts and design activities as well as brainteasers and puzzles, all age groups can creatively and playfully get to know the dimensions of diversity, discuss grievances and expectations, form an opinion and articulate it.

The website tag-der-vielfalt.de provides an overview of the action stands and program points.

Ibrahim Othman experiences every day that not everyone in Jena sees diversity as an asset. He is an employee of a counseling center for migrants and reports: "In WeltRaum, we talk to people who experience discrimination every day. People who are employed by temporary employment agencies have particularly many difficulties." One of the goals of the recently opened Welcome Center Jena is to make companies even more aware of the issue of diversity in the world of work. In this way, it wants to create equal access to the labor market for skilled workers, regardless of their cultural or social background. "In the end, both sides benefit from this," knows Wilfried Röpke, Managing Director of the Jena Economic Development Agency. "Diversity ensures, among other things, a variety of perspectives on strategic challenges, promotes innovative strength and is thus a basic prerequisite for sustainable and long-term success of companies," emphasizes Röpke.

Background German Diversity Day

German Diversity Day is held every year on May 31. The day of action was launched by the "Diversity Charter" employer initiative to promote diversity in companies and institutions. This year marks the 10th anniversary of the German Diversity Day (DDT).

You can find out more about German Diversity Day on the website of the Diversity Charter.