#JenaVsVirus camp ends with 17 anti-corona ideas
More than 180 participants, 27 challenges and 17 concrete project ideas and implementation proposals - this is the extremely successful conclusion of the Jena digital camp "JenaVsVirus".(link is external) From 14 to 18 April, the Jena community worked together online to develop local responses to the specific challenges posed by the coronavirus crisis. The camp was organized by the JENA Digital network, which is part of the Jena Economic Development Agency (JenaWirtschaft).
Genuine digital participation process
As the organizing team, we are completely overwhelmed by the great commitment of everyone involved. With the #JenaVsVirus camp, we have created a genuine digital participation process for the citizens of our city. Our aim was to work together to find pragmatic solutions for our city that can be implemented quickly,
says Domenique Dölz, initiator of the project and Digital Economy Cluster Manager at the Economic Development Agency.
The focus was on five subject areas: Health - Economy and Work - Nutrition, Supply, Welfare - Administration, Digitalization, Data as well as Education and Culture. The idea for the Jena camp was inspired by the German government's "WirVsVirus" hackathon; the preparation time for the Jena version was similarly short at one week.
Community submitted 27 challenges
The Jena community submitted a total of 27 challenges, which the more than 180 "campers" tackled in order to develop creative solutions together in interdisciplinary teams. Video chats, telephone conferences, a special hackathon platform and other digital communication tools enabled the participants to work together efficiently. On the final day, a high-ranking 10-member jury made up of representatives from Jena's (digital) economy, science and administration analyzed how innovative and feasible the ideas were and selected all 17 projects as winners without further ado. From a digital classroom to a digital platform for volunteering by the community foundation, virtual visits to Jena's museums and cultural institutions, a voucher platform for restaurateurs, retailers and service providers to a digital solution for case management by the public health department for people infected with coronavirus - these and many other creative solutions were developed. JENA Digital and JenaWirtschaft will present all 17 projects one after the other from April 20.
All around the camp: online program on creativity techniques, expert mentoring, yoga, fitness training, cultural contributions
The camp was accompanied by an extensive online program on creativity techniques, expert mentoring, yoga, fitness training and cultural contributions from the brass band Blechklang and poetry slammer Friedrich Hermann. The party concluded with a live streaming concert by the "Zwo20" initiative - the association of Jena cultural workers in Jena.
This form of voluntary commitment is priceless, so as a small gesture of our thanks, everyone involved will receive a 'Club Soli Ticket' from the initiative
said Wilfried Röpke, Managing Director of the Jena Economic Development Agency.
Thank you for your commitment
The conclusion from the organizers' point of view?
A huge thank you to everyone for their incredible commitment over the past week. For the creative ideas, the innovative proposals for solutions and, above all, for this wonderful togetherness that has filled the whole community with life - despite the physical distance," says Cluster Manager Dölz.
said Cluster Manager Dölz.
Patron: Jena's head of department for digitalization
The real work is only just beginning, says Benjamin Koppe, who is the patron of the project as Jena's Head of Digitalization:
'The aim is to make the outstanding ideas usable for our urban society as quickly as possible so that real added value is created for everyone.
The new JenaVsVirus community is open to everyone, as the initiators are still looking for people to join their teams in the subsequent implementation phase.
Supporters of the festival
The organizers would like to extend special thanks to all official supporters of the festival: digital companies such as Accenture or rooom AG, service providers such as PVS Veranstaltungsservice, municipal partners such as the city administration, JenaKultur and Kommunale Immobilien Jena (KIJ), the Friedrich Schiller University Jena, as well as Jena associations, agencies and freelancers, who have all contributed their respective expertise.
An incredibly positive pull has developed. All of us against the virus and together for Jena.
says Cluster Manager Dölz.