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Laureate for the Jena Prize for Civil Courage wanted!


Civil courage is required always and everywhere. Anyone can find themselves in a situation where they have to show courage. Which person(s), which situation comes to your mind?
The staff of KoKont (coordination office of the Jena City Program and contact office of the Round Table for Democracy) will accept proposals for the 22nd Jena Prize for Civil Courage until July 9, 2023.

This prize has been awarded annually in Jena since 2002 to honor people who have demonstrated civil courage through their selfless actions. Which courageous actions inspired you to discuss with friends and family or made you think? Send your suggestions with a short justification by mail (buero@kokont-jena.de) or by post (Max-Steenbeck-Str. 46, 07745) to the KoKont team. Alternatively, you can also submit your suggestion via the mobile KoKont mailbox at the Historic City Hall.

Civil courage as the basis of a human rights-oriented and open society is lived solidarity. Intervening when people are in distress or even threatened, excluded, discriminated against or treated badly is by no means a matter of course. In order to stand up, to contradict, to interfere, to create publicity and to organize help, empathy and above all COURAGE are needed. Possible negative consequences and reactions are subordinated to the desire to help.

But it is not only the people of the city who are called upon each year to think about the issue and submit suggestions. Local businesses also take a stand. Each year, a company from the region sponsors the award. This year, Volksbank eG Gera-Jena-Rudolstadt is providing the prize money of 1,000 euros.
Falko Gaudig, member of the Board of Volksbank eG Gera-Jena-Rudolstadt, commented as follows:

"We need a strong society that shows civil courage, that stands up against injustice and does not allow people to lose their dignity or their rights. But "looking instead of looking away" may sound simple. Fulfilling it with life often requires a lot of courage. The Civil Courage Award honors the people who have demonstrated this courage. They deserve recognition. And at the same time, their actions should serve as an example, motivate and give courage. We are pleased to be able to support the Prize for Civil Courage in Jena for the second time. Because it not only gives the participants the recognition they deserve, but also gives the topic of civil courage the important public stage."

Together, the Lord Mayor Dr. Thomas Nitzsche, KoKont and Volksbank eG Gera-Jena-Rudolstadt are calling on all Jena residents to submit suggestions for people or groups who should be honored for their actions last year. Lord Mayor Dr. Thomas Nitzsche said:

"In Jena, numerous initiatives, networks and also individuals repeatedly stand up for civil courage. The city society is active and stands up for each other. The Prize for Civil Courage is intended to make this voluntary action visible and to return a worthy thank you to the people. I would therefore like to thank the KoKont team for this important work. And invite all citizens to submit their proposals for awards."

The award will be presented again this year together with the Charlotte Figulla Award for pupils* and young people.
The ceremony will take place on 29.09.2023 in the Jena City Hall.

Dr. Thomas Nitzsche und Falko Gaudig von der Volksbank eG Jena-Gera-Rudolstadt freuen sich auf Vorschläge für den Preis für Zivilcourage
Dr. Thomas Nitzsche und Falko Gaudig von der Volksbank eG Jena-Gera-Rudolstadt freuen sich auf Vorschläge für den Preis für Zivilcourage